About the Author
(1912-1996) Eleanor Cameron is a distinguished author and critic, best known for her juvenile fantasy Mushroom Planet Series. She won the National Book Award for The Court of the Stone Children.
Loganberry Legacy
Here's a popular science-fiction series, with a couple recently back in print, and the rest of them elusive and difficult to find… Ah what a teaser, why don't they just reprint the whole series? But they haven't, and so the demand for the ones which remain out-of-print continues.

Mushroom Planet Bibliography (in sequence)
* designates a title still in print
- * The Wonderful Flight to the Mushroom Planet. Illustrated by Robert Henneberger. Little, Brown, 1954, 1988.
- Stowaway to the Mushroom Planet. Illustrated by Robert Henneberger. Little, Brown, 1956, 1988.
- Mr. Bass's Planetoid. Illustrated by Louis Darling. Little, Brown, 1958.
- A Mystery for Mr. Bass. Illustrated by Leonard Shortall. Little, Brown, 1960.
- Time and Mr. Bass. Illustrated by Fred Meise. Little, Brown, 1967.
Julia Redfern Bibliography (in sequence)
- * A Room Made of Windows. Illustrated by Trina Schart Hyman. Little, Brown, 1971.
- Julia and the Hand of God. Illustrated by Gail Owens EP Dutton, 1977.
- That Julia Redfern. Illustrated by Gail Owens. EP Dutton, 1982.
- Julia's Magic. Illustrated by Gail Owens EP Dutton, New York, 1984.
- The Private World of Julia Redfern. Illustrated by Gail Owens. EP Dutton, 1989.
Other Children's books Bibliography
- The Beast with the Magical Horn. Illustrated by Joe and Beth Krush. Little, Brown and Company, 1963.
- Beyond Silence. Dell, 1980.
- * The Court of the Stone Children. EP Dutton, 1973, 1990.
- The Mysterious Christmas Shell. Little, Brown 1961
- * A Spell is Cast. Illustrated by Joe and Beth Krush. Little, Brown, 1964 and Peter Smith, 1991.
- The Terrible Churnadryne. Illustrated by Joe and Beth Krush. Little Brown, 1959.
- To the Green Mountains. Illustrated by James Barkley. EP Dutton, 1975.
Grown-up Bibliography
- * The Green and Burning Tree. On the Writing and Enjoyment of Children's Books. 1969.
- The Seed and the Vision. On the Writing and Appreciation of Children's Books. 1993.
- The Unheard Music. A novel. 1950.