About the Author
(1904-1987) Eloise Wilkin's career covered more than fifty years, involving illustration and writing, free-lance drawing, and doll design. After graduating from The Rochester Institute of Technology, Eloise Burns and her friend Joan Esley moved to New York City where they hoped to have a better chance at careers in illustration. In 1935, Eloise married Sydney Wilkin and soon began a family of four children. She illustrated over 20 books with her sister Esther, who also married a Wilkin. In 1943, she was offered a contract with Simon & Schuster and worked almost exclusively for Little Golden Books until 1961.
Loganberry Legacy
Little Golden Books remain popular with collectors, and Eloise Wilkin heads the list as most popular illustrator. Some, like Prayers for Children, are easy and cheap to find. Others, like Georgie Finds a Grandpa, are in hot demand and the price reflects that.

Little Golden Books Bibliography
All books written and illustrated by Eloise Wilkin unless otherwise noted.
* designates a title still in print
- Baby Dear. by Esther Wilkin, 1962. LGB# 466
- Baby Jesus: Stamp Book. 1957. LGB# A12
- Baby Listens. by Esther Wilkin, 1960. LGB# 383
- Baby Looks. 1960. LGB# 404
- Baby's Birthday. by Patricia Mowers, 1972. LGB# 365
- Baby's First Christmas. by Esther Wilkin, 1959. LGB# 368 and 460-08
- Birds. by Jane Werner Watson, 1958, 1973. LGB# 184 and LGB# 5011
- Boy With a Drum. by David L. Harrison, 1969. LGB# 588
- Busy Timmy. by Kathryn and Byron Jackson, 1948. LGB# 50 and 452
- Child's Garden of Verses. by Robert Louis Stevenson, 1957. LGB# 289 and 493
- Christmas ABC. by Florence Johnson, 1962. LGB# 478
- *Christmas Story. by Jane Werner, 1952. LGB# 158
- Come Play House. by Edith Oswald, 1948. LGB# 44
- Day at the Playground. by Miram Schlein, 1951. LGB# 119
- *Eloise Wilkin's Mother Goose. 1961. LGB# 589
- First Bible Stories. by Jane Werner, 1954. LGB# 198
- Fix It Please. by Lucy Sprague Mitchell, 1947. LGB# 32
- Georgie Finds a Grandpa. by Miriam Young, 1954. LGB# 196
- Good Little Bad Little Girl. by Esther Wilkin, 1965. LGB# 562
- Good Morning, Good Night. by Jane Werner, 1948. LGB# 61
- Guess Who Lives Here. by Louise Woodcock, 1949. LGB# 60
- Hansel and Gretel. by Brothers Grimm, 1954. LGB# 217, 491, 207-51, and 207-65
- Hi! Ho! Three in a Row. by Louise Woodcock, 1954. LGB# 188
- Jamie Looks. by Adelaide Holl, 1963. LGB# 522
- Kittens: Three Complete Stories. by Cathleen Schurr and Patricia Scarry. Illustrated by Gustaf Tenggren and Eloise Wilkin. 1958. Giant LGB# 5013
- Linda and Her Little Sister. by Esther Wilkin, 1954. LGB# 214
- Little Book. by Sherl Horvath, 1969. LGB# 583
- Little Golden Book of Holidays. by Marion Conger, 1951. LGB# 109
- My Baby Brother. by Patricia Scarry, 1956. LGB# 279
- My Dolly and Me. by Patsy Scarry, 1960. LGB# 418
- My Kitten. by Patsy Scarry, 1954. LGB# 163, 300, and 528
- *My Little Golden Book About God. by Jane Werner Watson, 1956. LGB# 268
- My Pets. by Patsy Scarry, 1959. LGB# 5027
- My Puppy. by Patsy Scarry, 1955. LGB# 233 and 469
- My Snuggle Bunny. by Patsy Scarry, 1956. LGB# 250
- My Teddy Bear. by Patricia Scarry, 1953. LGB# 168 and 448
- New Baby. by Ruth and Harold Shane, 1948. LGB# 41, 291, 541 and 306-68
- New House in the Forest. by Lucy Sprague Mitchell, 1946. LGB# 24
- Night Before Christmas. by Jane Werner Watson, 1955. LGB# 241
- Noises and Mr. Flibberty-Jib. 1947. LGB# 29
- Play with Me. by Esther Wilkin, 1967. LGB# 567
- *Prayers for Children. 1952. LGB# 5, 205, 301-10 and 301-93
- So Big. 1968. LGB# 574
- This World of Ours. by Jane Werner Watson, 1959. LGB# 5026
- Twins. by Ruth and Harold Shane, 1955. LGB# 227
- We Help Daddy. by Mini Stein, 1962. LGB# 468 and 305-51
- We Help Mommy. by Jean Cushman, 1959. LGB# 352
- We Like Kindergarten. by Clara Cassidy, 1965. LGB# 552
- Where Did the Baby Go? by Shiela Hayes, 1974. LGB# 116
- Wiggles. by Louise Woodcock, 1953. LGB# 166
- Wonders of Nature. by Jane Werner Watson, 1957. LGB# 293

Other Bibliography
- Busy ABC. Whitman, 1950.
- Eloise Wilkin's Book of Poems. by Deborah Wilkin Springett. Western Pub. Co., 1988.
- Eloise Wilkin Treasury: Favorite Nursery Rhymes, Prayers, Poems, and Stories. edited by Linda C. Falken. Golden Books, 1985.
- Golden Treasury of Prayers for Boys and Girls. Edited by Esther Wilkin. Golden Press, 1975.
- Good House for a Mouse. by Irmengarde Eberle. J. Messner, 1940.
- Great Gold Piece Mystery. by Elizabeth Honness. Oxford University Press, 1944.
- How Many Kisses Good Night. by Jean Monrad. Random House, 1986.
- I Hear: Sounds In a Child's World. by Lucille Ogle and Tina Thoburn. American Heritage Press,1971.
- Kitty Come Down. by Frances Atchinson Bacon. Oxford University Press, 1944.
- Ladybug, Ladybug, and Other Nursery Rhymes. Random House, 1979.
- Little Prayers. Edited by Esther Wilkin. Golden Press, 1980.
- Lord's Prayer. Commentary by Esther Wilkin. Golden Press, 1961.
- Make-Believe Parade. by Jan Margo, 1949. Wonder Books# 520
- Mrs. Peregrine and the Yak. by Esther Burns. H. Holt and Company, 1938.
- Mrs. Peregrine at the Fair. by Esther Burns Wilkin. J. Messner, 1939.
- My Good Morning Book. Golden Press, 1983.
- My Goodnight Book. Golden Press, 1981.
- Nursery Rhymes. Random House, 1979.
- Once-Upon-a-Time Scratch and Sniff Book: Stories. Adapted by Ruthanna Long. Golden Press, 1978.
- *Prayers for a Small Child. Random House, 1984.
- Rainbow for me. by Martha Gwinn Kiser. Random House, 1948.
- Rock·a·Bye, Baby: Nursery Songs and Cradle Games. Random House, 1981.
- Seatmates. by Mary K. Reely. Franklin Watts, 1949.
- Sheep Wagon Family. by Myra Reed Richardson. R.M. McBride, 1941.
- Song of Praise. American Heritage Press, 1970.
- Thank You Book. by Patricia Martin Zens. Golden Press, 1967.
- Tune is in the Tree. by Maud Hart Lovelace, 1950.
- Visit, The. by Joan Esley. Rand McNally, 1980.
- Wonders of the Seasons. by Bertha Morris Parker. Golden Press, 1966.