About the Author
I have painstakingly tried to find some biographical information about Evelyn Scott, the author of The Fourteen Bears. I wondered if she might be the same Evelyn Scott who was born in Tennessee in 1893 and wrote many acclaimed psychological novels of the 1920s and 1930s. Several websites and library databases have indicated that she is the same. But the scholars and descendents have firmly corrected me: she is not the same. So the mystery remains: who was this Evelyn Scott who won so many hearts with a family of bears? If you know, send me a line.
Loganberry Legacy
This Giant Golden Book tells the story of a large bear family with full color illustrations by Virginia Parsons, featuring Daddy Bear, Mother Bear, Veronica, Virginia, Johanna, Ramona, Emma, Anna, Gloria, Hannah, Henrietta, Flora, Dora and Little Theodore. Out of print for 30 years, it became hard to find, very loved, and highly sought after. And then, finally… The Fourteen Bears, Summer and Winter was reprinted by Random House in May 2005! The new reissue is a little smaller in size (8x10) and with a dust jacket (the original didn't have one). Alas, by October 2008, this title was already out-of-print and again hard to find…

Children's Bibliography
- The Fourteen Bears, Summer and Winter. Illustrated by Virginia Parsons. A Golden Book. Racine: Golden Press, 1969, 1973. Reprinted by Random House, 2005.
- The Story of Fourteen Bears. Illustrated by Virginia Parsons. Golden Press, 1969.
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