About the Author
I don't know anything about Georgiana, but I did find several titles by her, in addition to the sought-after Dr. Goat. Like Dr. Goat, they are all Whitman Tell-a-Tales, afforable little books published in the 1950s that Whitman hoped would rival Little Golden Books.
Loganberry Legacy
I have so many requests for Dr. Goat, it's silly. Part of the reason it's so hard to find is because it was a cheap book to begin with, which children were allowed to destroy and which parents threw out remorselessly. But it's out there, if you're patient.

- Animal Crackers. Illustrated by Jackie Peller. Whitman, 1950. Tell-A-Tale #837-15
- Animal Jingles. Whitman, 1950.
- Dr. Goat. Illustrated by Charles Clement. Whitman, 1950. Tell-A-Tale Book #841-15
- Hullabaloo. Illustrated by Nettie Weber. Whitman, 1951. Tell-A-Tale #815-15
- Let's Play. Whitman Publishing, 1952. Tell-A-Tale #2601
- Puffy. Illustrated by Genevieve Porter. Whitman, 1953. Tell-A-Tale #2546
- Teddy's Surprise. Illustrated by Suzanne. Whitman, 1952. Top Top Tales, #2467
- That Donkey. Illus Dorothy Grider. Whitman, 1954.