About the Authors
(1904-1980) (1898-1985) Of mixed European origin, Ingri and Edgar d’Aulaire met in 1921 when they were both studying art in Munich. After their marriage, they worked and saved for several years in hopes of emigrating and finding success in the United States. With a small sum, Edgar went ahead to establish a place and then sent for Ingri. It was first suggested to them in the US that they create children’s books together in their signature lithographed style. Many of the children’s books they went on to create celebrate the d’Aulaires' own vision of Americana, one that honors hard-working individuals, heroism, and optimism. Other of their books focus on the couple’s (and many other Americans’) European heritage, especially with legends from Ingri’s native Scandinavia.
Loganberry Legacy
Despite their fame for Caldecotts, we love some of the early titles by this duo that are much less known, like Ola (pictured at bottom left).

Selected Bibliography
- The Magic Rug, Doubleday, 1931.
- Ola, Doubleday, 1932
- Ola and Blakken, Doubleday, 1933
- The Conquest of the Atlantic, Viking Press, 1933
- The Lord’s Prayer, Doubleday, 1934
- Children of the Northlights, Viking Press, 1935
- George Washington, Doubleday, 1936
- East of the Sun and West of the Moon, Viking Press, 1938
- Abraham Lincoln, Doubleday 1939, (Caldecott Award Winner)
- Animals Everywhere, Doubleday, 1940
- Leif the Lucky, Doubleday, 1941
- The Star Spangled Banner, Doubleday, 1942
- Wings for Per, Doubleday, 1944
- Too Big, Doubleday, 1945
- Pocahontas, Doubleday, 1946
- Nils, Doubleday, 1948
- Foxie, Doubleday, 1949
- Benjamin Franklin, Doubleday, 1950
- Buffalo Bill, Doubleday, 1952
- The Two Cars, Doubleday, 1955
- Columbus, Doubleday, 1955
- The Magic Meadow, Doubleday, 1958
- d’Aulaire’s Book of Greek Myths, Doubleday
- Norse Gods and Giants, Doubleday, 1967
- Trolls, Doubleday, 1972
- The Terrible Troll Bird, Doubleday, 1976