About the Author
(1918-) Marcia Brown, a native of New York state, was unable to pursue her dream of becoming a doctor when it came time to leave her large family and go to college during the Depression. State Teacher’s certification was more affordable and immediately lucrative. After three years of teaching, however, she did decide that there was another dream she wished to pursue and perhaps could achieve. She left teaching to move to New York City where she worked as a children’s librarian while she worked to get her picture books published. She is one of two illustrators to have won the Caldecott medal three times and utilizes a variety of mediums and styles in her work.
Loganberry Legacy
…strike many memory chords.

Selected Bibliography
- Bun; A Tale from Russia. 1972
- Dick Whittington and His Cat, 1950
- How the Ostrich Got Its Long Neck : a Tale from the Akamba of Kenya / retold by Verna Aardema, 1995
- Snow Queen / H. C. Andersen,1972
- Steadfast Tin Soldier/ Andersen, H. C. 1953
- Wild Swans/ Andersen, H. C., 1963
- Three Billy Goats Gruff / P.C. Asbjørnsen and J.E. Moe, 1991
- All Butterflies; An ABC, 1974
- Backbone of the King; the Story of Paka'a and His Son Ku. 1966
- Blue Jackal, 1977
- Face of Ennui, 1949
- Felice. 1958 ,
- Henry, Fisherman; a Story of the Virgin Islands. 1949
- How, Hippo! , 1969
- Little Carousel, 1946
- Once a Mouse-- : a fable cut in wood, 1989
- Skipper John's Cook, 1951
- Stone Soup, an old tale, 1947
- Tamarindo!, 1960
- Shadow, 1982
- Cinderella; or, The little glass slipper, 1954
- Puss in Boots, 1952
- Flying carpet, 1956
- Gautier. by Violette Verdy, 1977
- Giselle; or, The Wilis. by Violette Verdy, 1970
- Of Swans, Sugarplums, and Satin Slippers : ballet stories for children. by Violette Verdy