About the Author
Pierre Probst (1913-2007 ) introduced Caroline and her feisty animal friends to the French public in 1952, and added to the series for a decade. The illustrations are charming, full color, and with wonderful two-page spreads with great comic details. William Collins Sons printed the British editions, and Golden Press printed some American editions, but the titles aren't always the same for these translations. It also appears that Probst is at it again, adding 10 new titles in the last 5 years or so.
Loganberry Legacy
Goodness, but we have a lot of requests for Caroline. We've pieced together a bibliography, but it is not complete. The French titles in blue have been published in the last ten years or so. Here's what we've gathered so far:

Caroline Bibliography in English
Translated by Beata Dabrowska
* designates a title still in print
- Caroline at the Ranch. Golden Press, 1961.
- Caroline Goes to Sea. Wm. Collins Sons, 1954.
- Caroline in Europe. Golden Press, 1960.
- Caroline's Grand Tour. Wm. Collins Sons, 1973.
- Caroline's Winter Holiday. Wm. Collins Sons, 1973.
- Golden Treasury of Caroline and Her Friends. Golden Press, 1961.
Caroline Bibliography in French
- Caroline a La Ferme.
- Caroline au cirque.
- Caroline au carnaval.
- Caroline au Indes.
- Caroline au Pôle Nord.
- Caroline au Ranch.
- Caroline chez les Lillipuchiens.
- Caroline Demenage.
- Caroline détective.
- Caroline en Egypte.
- Caroline en vacances.
- Caroline et le mystere du Chat fossile.
- Caroline et l'île mysterieuse.
- Caroline et Le Robot.
- Caroline et les Vagabonds.
- Caroline et ses amis la vaillante prend l'eau.
- Caroline et Son Automobile.
- Caroline fait du cheval.
- Caroline Invite Ses Amis.
- Caroline sur la lune.
- Caroline visite Paris.
- L'automobile De Caroline.
Other Bibliography
- Bobby the Dog. Little Golden Books #440, 1961.
- Kenny and his Raft. Librairie Hachette, 1966, Hart 1968.
- Pipo. Librairie Hachette, 1974.
- Puff the Blue Kitten. Little Golden Books #443, 1961.
Illustrated Bibliography
- Birds Everywhere. by Jean Dorst. Whitman World Library, 1963.
- Bibiche en Alsace. by Blanchard. J. Barbe, 1945.
- The Days of Knights & Castles. by Pierre Miguel. Silver Burdett, 1985.
- Nature, an Introduction to our World. by Mary Refoy. Whitman, 1964.
- World of Animals. by Mary Holmes. Whitman, 1963.
- World of Nations. by Duncan Taylor. Whitman, 1963.
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