124B: Collection of Ghost Stories for Young Adults

I don’t remember the title, but I think it may have been from Scholastic. I want to say in the 1980-1983 range.                                                                

I do remember the very first story was called “Hugh” and it was the classic hitchhiker story, and in this case Hugh the ghost saves the driver (if I’m not mistaken) from an accident.


4 thoughts on “124B: Collection of Ghost Stories for Young Adults

  1. Alex

    I remember this story in an anthology of ghost stories! I believe the ghost’s name was spelled “Huw” and i am pretty sure i borrowed it from my school library in Melbourne, Australia around 1986. i have been looking for it for decades….

  2. Allan

    I once had that same book, ( i do not know where it is now) and I do remember the story of “Huw”, it was the very first story in the book. In fact it is the only story from the book that I can remember. It would be nice to find that book again…..

  3. Avid Reader

    Yes the story is called “Huw”. It was written by Geoffrey Palmer and Noel Lloyd..It appeared in an anthology of ghost stories edited by Barbara Ireson and first published by Faber & Farber (1973). My dad bought me my version in 1979 when I was 8 years old (Penguin paperback for 70p). It is my most treasured book.

    1. James

      I can remember my Dad reading this to me and I had nightmares. it inspired me to read for myself. I read the story over and over.


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