146C: children in a large family

This book focuses on the children in a large family and centers around a young girl, maybe 12 or 13, and her best friend.  One of the chapters in the book is titled, The Quarry, where the kids would go swimming every summer.  I beleve someone almost drowns there or is hurt in some way.  Additionally, all of he children are allowed to decorate their rooms using their own themes and the decorating is kept a secret until the great reveal with the entire family going to each room for the big surprise.  The oldest daughter, maybe 16 or 17, chooses a pink theme and paints her entire floor pink.  This oldest girls is a very girly girl and spends a lot of time polishing her nails and sunbathing to get ready for a date with her boyfriend.
I must have been 10 or 11 when I first read this book and my sister was13 or 14.  We used to walk to the library in Brooklyn, NY every Saturday and this book ALWAYS was checked out. 



8 thoughts on “146C: children in a large family

  1. Julie

    Not sure if all the details fit, but the large family part sounds like the books by Ann M. Martin (Ten Kids, No Pets and the sequel Eleven Kids, One Summer).

    1. Connie Koenigsberger

      Thank you so much! This was a good lead, but unfortunately not the book I am seeking. My book is more along the lines of a book like Seventeenth Summer, which was a novel written by Maureen Daly and published in 1942. Thanks again….I will keep searching. The book was incredible!!!

  2. Emily

    I don’t recognize it, but it could help others narrow it down if you say what year it was when you were 10. Sounds like a good book, I hope it gets solved.

  3. Connie Koenigsberger

    Oh, I hadn’t really thought about it, but that’s a really good idea! I was 10 in 1960 and the book I am looking for is along the lines of a book like Seventeenth Summer, which was a novel written by Maureen Daly and published in 1942. Thank you so much for your help…I am hoping someone will just remember the book and know the title. I have no idea why I never took note of the title. My sister and I loved it so much we are still desperately searching for it. Thank you again!

  4. Kelly W

    Could it have been one of Janet Lambert’s books? There are a couple series she has with large families, and it sounds like they were very popular in the 50s/early 60s. It does sound similar to some of her books, although I haven’t read them all.

  5. Connie

    I have just started researching her books and also Elizabeth Ogilvie and a slew of other writers who wrote around that time with the young romance/growing up theme. I would love to be able to just look at a list of the chapters in the books….all I need to do is find the one listed “The Quarry.” 🙂 Does anyone know of any listings of book chapters?
    Thank you for your help!

  6. Kelly W

    You know, the more I think about this, the more I think it is in a Janet Lambert book. Maybe Candy Kane or Just Jennifer. You might contact the reprint publisher–Image Cascade Publishing and see if they can help you with the chapter titles.

  7. Connie Koenigsberger

    Thank you so much. What a great idea!! I am going to email the publisher right now. I’ll let you know if I have any success. 🙂


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