158A: The Will in the brass lion (solved)

Sometime during or before 1960, I read a mystery solved by some children.  I don’t remember the title or the author, only the solution to the mystery.  I remember being attracted to the picture on the cover.  I think it was of a brass lion.  I believe the brass lion was hidden in an attic.


1 thought on “158A: The Will in the brass lion (solved)

  1. Harriet Woods

    I solved the mystery myself. I have to admit my memory was faulty. The book was The Mystery of the Yellow House by Gertrude Chandler Warner. In my search, I found The Boxcar Children and thought they were the characters I remembered. There was not a will in a brass lion; there was money in a tin box. It was found under the house, not in the attic.


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