171E: 1970/1980 Collection of stories on character. Little boy, girl with mom/dad. Colored illustrations throughout.

It was in my church library in the early 80’s. It was hard cover and had lots of short stories in it. One of the stories there was a little girl with a dress, knee socks and shoes, she was wearing a headband and holding a white bible on her way to Sunday school. I The church in the picture was a little white church with stained glass windows I think. The front may have had a boy and a girl on it and possibly parents. It was a collection of stories on church/morals/character…Title might have had the word happy in it? Cover was white…and hard covered.

1 thought on “171E: 1970/1980 Collection of stories on character. Little boy, girl with mom/dad. Colored illustrations throughout.

  1. Ann

    Could this be one of the ‘Uncle Arthur’s Bedtime Stories’ annual volumes? These were short story collections about religious and moral themes and I do remember one volume, probably from the late 1960s, that included a story ‘The Little White Bible’.


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