102R: Story a Day

Looking for a book that was my mother’s. She was born in 1938 and had a book that featured a story a day for the year. It had a small margin on top of the story on each page that was illustrated in black and white. Published sometime in the 40’s.

4 thoughts on “102R: Story a Day

  1. Joyce

    You should look for the The Golden Almanac by Dorothy Bennett and illustrated by Masha. Originally published in 1944, it has poems, activities, stories and facts for each month of the year. It is a Big Golden Book. Another book that might be the one you’re looking for is The Golden Book of 365 Stories, A Story for Every Day of the Year. The author is Kathryn Jackson and the illustrator is Richard Scarry. The copyright year is 1955. It is also a Big Golden Book.

  2. Ann

    This may be: Alice Sankey: 365 Bedtime Stories – A Story for Every Day in the Year; illustrated by Erwin Darwin; published 1942.
    Another possibility is Mary Graham Bonner: 365 Bedtime Stories; though this was published in the 1920s. not the 1940s.

  3. Heather Steinmiller

    The Bedtime Book of 365 Stories by Kathryn Jackson? On Amazon. Blue cover with a boy and girl in bed surrounded by animals.


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