103K, solved: The Lakota, Russell Means, and Basketball

I’m looking for a book that, when I read it, had an orange and black cover. It was about Native Americans, and I believe had a lot of information about the Lakota tribe, Russell Means, and a young Native American girl who played basketball and became a bit of a local hero. I have no idea what the book is called, but I loved it. I believe it was written by a journalist who was not Native American, and I think it came out after Last of the Mohicans, because I believe it noted that Russell Means wrote much of his own script for the movie.

3 thoughts on “103K, solved: The Lakota, Russell Means, and Basketball

  1. Melanthe Alexian

    Russell Means wrote many books and articles, and contributed to many others. You can probably find the one you’re looking for by going to his website (russellmeans.com) and clicking on “Literary/Research”. Good luck!


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