280G: Learn to tell the time

The book I am interested in is one I had as a child, I think around 1988-1993 ish. It was a small white hardback cover and came with a watch which you could see in the cover (I’ll attach a picture of what I think it was or was like).


I remember that it was an illustrated book based in castle or palace or similar, the characters were either king, queen, prince, princess, and I remember one page was about them using a sundial to tell the time.

That’s all the information I have on it I’m afraid. I’m from the UK, so I’m not sure if this was also a U.S. issue book or not.

5 thoughts on “280G: Learn to tell the time

  1. Kate

    Thank you for this post
    I have been looking for years for this, knew the song off by heart, and even used to sing it to my little one as a lullaby

    A long time ago in olden days
    people told time in many strange ways
    They had no clocks,
    They had no watches
    So they told the time
    With hour glass and notches

  2. LyndaLou

    Thank you so much for this post. I have literally been looking for this book for nearly 10 years!
    I cannot wait to read it again, now with my own children.



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