295X: ‘Through the chamber door’ or something about a conch (Solved)

I am looking for a children’s chapter book that I read in the mid to late 80s about a brother and sister who become trapped in the center of a conch shell and have to solve riddles in order to open up each chamber of the conch to work their way back out to freedom. I can’t remember the author or title. The title might have included words like ‘through the chamber door’ or something about a conch, not sure.

3 thoughts on “295X: ‘Through the chamber door’ or something about a conch (Solved)

  1. Laura

    Are you thinking of The Diamond in the Window by Jane Langton? There is a part where the brother and sister, Eddy and Eleanor, get trapped in a chambered nautilus shell.

    1. Kelli Huwa

      Laura, Yes!!! I have been looking into this book after I read your reply and I think that this is the book that I have been looking for! All of the descriptions sound familiar! I am so excited to purchase a copy and read it again after all of these years! It was one of the most stand-out books I read as a child! It really captured my imagination! Loved it! Thanks a million!!!


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