297D: Everything is going to be okay (Solved)

I’m trying to find a book, it’s about a boy who’s parents are separated. He writes a letter pretending to be his mother, and sends it to his father. The letter is asking for forgiveness and for the father to come back to live with them. The boys attempt to get his parents back together fails. In the last part of the book, the boy is in the movie theater with the girl he likes and she asks him, “is everything ok?” And he replies, “yes, everything is going to be ok”. (This is everything I remember.) Also the name of the book might be something like “shy guy” or “guy shy” or just something with guy in it. I hardly remember anything about it.



2 thoughts on “297D: Everything is going to be okay (Solved)

  1. Marya Ryals

    I think it might be Guy Time by Sarah Weeks. Here’s the overview from her website: “Thirteen-year-old Guy Strang’s life seems to have turned totally upside down! Not only are his parents getting divorced, but he’s also been asked out to the movies by Autumn Hockney. There’s just one problem: his best friend, Buzz, will desert him forever if he goes soft. Can Guy find a way to go out with Autumn without losing Buzz? Will his brilliant plan to reunite his parents succeed?”
    It’s the 2nd in a series of 4 titles–possibly out of print.

    1. Joey

      I didn’t think anyone would find this! But omg the first person to reply and you found it. I’m so happy thank you so so so much!


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