104C, solved: Children’s book covering colors


I am trying to find a children’s book that talks about colors– every page is a different color.

I cannot remember the title, but the book cover is black (the one I had was hardcover) and the cover has a peacock on it.  The text inside is in rhyme, covering a different color on each page.

Here is some text I remember:

–Plates of purple pickle pie (for page on purple)

–Small blue snail, Big blue whale, Snail on whale, Whale on snail!?, It’s no wonder they go under (for page on blue)

–Pink peacock passing by, When she is full of pickle pie, Pink peacock says, Goodbye –I believe this is on last page, which is probably pink

5 thoughts on “104C, solved: Children’s book covering colors

  1. Melissa

    This sounds like Seals on Wheels : a first book about colors by Dean Walley. Illustrated by It does have a black cover but the interior pages aren’t different colours. It definitely does have the purple pickle pie though.

    1. Larry Wolfe

      Yep, THAT’S the book. We had it for our kids too when they were little. I still remember a lot of the lines. (A pair of bright white alligators. This white gator is a waiter. This white alligator is a skater.)

      Doesn’t the book end with: “It’s black now. Shall we have a bedtime snack now?”

      Our girls are 35 and 40 now — so that tells you how long some of these stories stick with you!

  2. cathy

    From Solved Mysteries: Seals on Wheels
    I am looking for a children’s rhyming book with illustrations. My sisters and I had it during the mid 1970’s, but I have no idea how old the book is. Two of the rhymes I remember are, “Green Meanies roasting weenies, meanies jump in yellow jello, and they become mellow fellows.” and “Snail on whale, whale on snail, it’s no wonder they go under.” This book was my favorite childhood book and I have had much difficulty trying to find the title and/or author. If anyone has any information on the title/author, I would be so happy. I would love to purchase 3 copies if possible, one for each of us girls, to share with our children. If only one book is available, we could share…but 3 would be wonderful. Please, please, please….if anyone knows anything about this book, please let me know. Much thanks and appreciation for this wonderful service!
    G106 I am looking for this book too! I had it in the seventies, and I have never seen it since… The only help that I can offer is another line from the book: “Shades of purple pickle pie” – Good luck!
    Dean Walley, Seals on Wheels, 1970. This book was published by the Hallmark card company. Great book for reading aloud! It contains the “green meanies” and everything the person mentioned.

    Seals on Wheels might be the title — children’s book. Something about fellows eating lemon jello — they are yellow fellows. I read it in the mid-70s.

    You’ve got the title right. It’s Seals on Wheels by Dean Walley, Hallmark 1970. See G106 and Solved Mysteries.


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