301K: White Bear a in Blue Dress Goes to a Ball

I’m looking for a children’s picture book that features a white bear – I think her name was Edwina but I am not positive. At some point in the story, she puts on a pale blue satin fancy dress and I think she goes to a ball. I owned this book but can’t find it. I would have purchased it between 1990 and 1993. My daughter (who is now 24) marks this book as one of her earliest memories. She was so enamored with this book that I sewed her a pale blue satin dress to match the one the bear wore in the book and she wore it all the time when she was two or three. I still have the dress but can’t find the book. Her birthday is in October and I’d love to find and purchase a copy of this book if I can find it. Thank you in advance for any help!

1 thought on “301K: White Bear a in Blue Dress Goes to a Ball

  1. Stephanie

    Another of my daughters reflected recently that she thought the bear in the blue dress went to the ball on skates – i.e. that it was an outdoor skating dance.


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