306N: A shape that’s gone all wrong

I will try to give you all the details I can remember.  The story is about two apes. I want to say the female’s name is Sylvie or Silvia (not sure), anyway the two apes like each other but are too self conscious to talk to one another. One line in the book refers to him having “a shape that’s gone all wrong”. She thinks she is too small and he thinks he’s too big. They finally see each other out and he has tried to make himself smaller and she tries to make herself taller. In the end they find they are prefect for one another just as they are.  I bought it with a stack of about nine other paperback books with the same publisher, I think from a Scholastic order from my daughter’s school for a very reasonable amount. I kept that one for myself because it’s an inside joke between myself and significant other and lost it moving. I would really like to find it. If you can find this one,  I will have you look for another for me.

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