307L: A white mouse hidden in the illustrations

Looking for over sized, illustrated book of fairy tales, likely published in 60s or 70s. It was about the size of an Encyclopedia volume. Green cover with a giant on the spine. Illustrated by many artists, not a singular illustrator. 3 Little Pigs illustrations had a white mouse hidden in the illustrations. The illustrations in Jack the Giant Killer were scary and realistic. The book contained Puss in Boots, Sleeping Beauty, The Tinder Box, Matchstick Girl, The Brave Little Tailor, and many others. Your help is appreciated.

1 thought on “307L: A white mouse hidden in the illustrations

  1. Pete Hughes

    I had a very similar book, called “Tales the Wind Told” with the very scary illustrations between each short story. It was oversized hardback, with the brave little tailor, puss in boots and other stories. Could it be this book?


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