107E, solved: Birthday Dress, Hot Dogs, and Rice

A book about a young black (African-American) girl whose birthday was coming up. Her mother didn’t have much money, and all the girl was hoping for was a favorite dinner of hot dogs and rice. I don’t remember much more, except I think her mom made her a dress (and she got the meal!). Thank you!

5 thoughts on “107E, solved: Birthday Dress, Hot Dogs, and Rice

  1. Panda Rosa

    Sounds like Joan Lexau’s “Striped Ice Cream”, which I also read in elementary school. Becky, the younger of two black sisters, just wants a few things for her birthday, Spaghetti with Chicken in it, and Striped Ice Cream, the strawberry-vanilla-chocolate kind. She grows concerned over her family whispering about secrets, but things end well; Hot Dogs with Rice replace the spaghetti (and are just are delicious), but Becky does get her ice cream, and as you mentioned, a dress with ice-cream stripes. Hope this helps.

  2. Sherri

    This sounds like “Striped Ice Cream” by Joan Lexau. The little girl was hoping for a dinner of chicken spaghetti and striped (neopolitan) ice cream. She also got a new dress made by her mother and sisters with stripes like the ice cream.

  3. Joyce

    This book is “Striped Ice Cream” by Joan Lexau. Becky is the youngest daughter in a poor African -American family. She’s worried that her 8th birthday coming up will not be a gay one and that her mother won’t be able to give her a present. She requests striped ice-cream and wieners for her birthday dinner. The family manages to give Becky a wonderful birthday celebration.


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