108B: Pigtails with Ribbons

This book I remember reading in grade school.  The main character was a young girl who liked to have her hair in pigtails and she kept her ribbons for them all organized in the closet.She had red hair and freckles.  Maybe her name was Mandy?. I think she was dyslexic she described letters moving around.  She had a baseball alarm clock that she could throw to turn it off.  I know she was worried about her schoolwork a lot cause the letters moving stuff.  It made her act out towards family and friends I think. I read this book probably in the late 80’s to early 90’s.  It was most like a book fair book, you know the ones that came every year and we could buy books.  I just remember reading it a lot and would very much like to read it again if I can find it.

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