108E: Young Adult Mystery Takes Place in Scotland

I believe I read this book in the late 1980’s or early 1990’s.  I also believe it was part of a series with the two main characters.  This may have been the first or second book in the series.  I do not think subsequent books took place in Scotland.  The two main characters were a guy and girl (possibly a couple, I do not think they were related) in their late teens or early 20’s.  There may have been a romantic aspect of them getting together.  I remember the guy being self-assured and flirty and the girl being more sensible.  In the particular book I’m remembering, they travel to Scotland and stay in a castle near a loch to solve a mystery.

2 thoughts on “108E: Young Adult Mystery Takes Place in Scotland

  1. Judith King

    This might be the wonderful “Smiler” trilogy by Victor Canning, starting with The Runaways, then The Flight of the Grey Goose, and then The Painted Tent. Great stuff!

  2. Tiye

    Was the girl supposed to be on an archaeology dig? If so it might be The Legend in Green Velvet by Elizabeth Peters


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