330R: Blue Kitten Wins First Prize

I remember having a book as a little girl that was either a Little Golden Book or similar to, about a family that found a little dirty stray kitten. They took it home and gave it a bath and were surprised to find it was a white kitten. Then the kitten jumped out of the sink and fell into a tub of blueing, dyeing itself pale blue. They put a ribbon on it and it won first place at the pet show. Thank you.

4 thoughts on “330R: Blue Kitten Wins First Prize

  1. Heather Brinkerhoff

    This is solved. It IS Peppermint.

    About a girl who gets a kitten from Mr. Dobby, a candy store man-all the kittens named after candies: caramel, licorice, ect, the youngest cat was scrawny and hid in the storeroom, getting dirty. There was going to be a pet show at school, and a little girl came in, crying, because she had no pet to take…. The kitten, washed in bluing, became a soft pastel blue and won the prize.


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