352D: Girl in the 40s or 50s Who Can’t Draw Wants Her Teacher to Hang Her Picture In Front of Class

I’m looking for a chapter book I read probably in the mid to late 1980s. My guess is that it was published in that time frame. It was set in the 1940s or 1950s and was about a school-aged girl. The main plot point I remember is that every week her teacher put one of her students’ paintings on display at the front of the class. The girl wished that her picture would be chosen, but she was not much of an artist. She finally convinced her father to draw a picture of a child ice-skating for her, and she colored it with watercolors. Her teacher selected this drawing, but not because of the drawing of the ice skater. She was drawn to the girl’s use of color and the many shades of blue she used, which was how the sky really looked, rather than just one single shade.

I also remember that a ballpoint pen was a plot point in this book — the girl really wanted a ballpoint pen, which was new and cool, but I think the ink may have kept clumping up and she had to warm it up on the radiator. (Or maybe that’s what was happening with her fountain pen, and that’s why she wanted a ballpoint pen.) I also remember the name Molly, but I could be mixing it up with the American Girl doll from the same era.

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