363E: Girl Cooks Jam With Grandma/Mother

I don’t remember many details, but when I was a child, I had a book about a girl and her mother or her grandma (can’t quite remember). I had the book around 1994 and it didn’t seem very old. It had some text but mostly pictures. The illustrations were very realistic (not cartoon type, etc). The art style reminds me of an old vintage “Pears” ad. The girl wore an old style dress and in parts, a pinny/apron. I think the story was about things the two of them did together, like cooking. On one page, I remember they made strawberry or raspberry jam and put it in jars and cover the top of the jars with cloth. It might have even included the recipe. And on another page, there is a heap of bubbles and within each bubble is a picture of the girl doing things she has done through the book; making the jam, etc.

Very vague. Not sure anyone out there will know what book I’m talking about with so little to go off but worth a try.

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