369Q: Bloody paintings and maybe an orphan

So about 10 to 12 years ago there was a book that was very popular in charity shops in the UK that I want to reread again. A summary of what I remember:

– This guy found(?) a load of art that was quite cryptic and had lots of pieces all with a number on (maybe in an old house/ attic)

– All the artwork fit together into one massive piece and this was a key discovery in the book (I think there were thousands of pieces and they all were numbered)

– It involved a children’s home/ orphanage; I think the painter was found to be painting out his childhood trauma

– Some of it was painted in blood (you found this out later)

– A policewoman was involved as the love interest and they slept together after her mum/ dad’s funeral

– I think it jumped between the present day and the past quite a lot with it all tying together in the end; i think the main character was the painter/ murderer’s sibling(?)

– The cover design was a lot like ‘the interpretation of murder’ (not sure if I can link here but the yellow-ish cover on google images)

– It may be quite a shit book as that is what I enjoyed reading at the time

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