Author Archives: admin
352Z: Jazz Musicians Guide Boy Falsely Accused of Theft (Solved!)
352Y: Fireside Tales (Solved!)
“Closed are the story books on the shelf
Good night little ones, goodnight”
352X: Puppy Cat
For years, I’ve searched for this story. It is a children’s short story that came out of an old school reader that I had in first grade. I was in first grade in 1977 in Spruce Pine, NC, USA. I’m sure the readers were pretty old by then. The title of the story was Puppy Cat, I think. It was a dog who thought he was a cat. There are several newer stories that are similar, but I’ve been looking for this particular version. I’ve had no luck over the years!
352W: Late 50’s early 60’s space fiction
Late 50’s early 60’s space fiction about a boy on a planet (possibly mars) with his pet. The boy needs to get to different city/friends home. Walks via an old highway but the temperature dips extremely, causing the boy to find refuge in a giant cabbage like plant that closes at night, saving him.
352V: Little Bit
352U: Beast Prince and Locked Door
It’s a children’s book from around the 1990’s. The main heroine travels to cure the curse of the Beast Prince. I think he had the head of a pig/boar. The plot is similar to East of the Sun, West of the Moon but that is not the book. Near the end the heroine must unlock a door but lost the key. She must cut off her finger and use it as the key instead.
352T: Sex Club Leads to Sticky Situations
Looking for MC story where H is forced to return to the club by his harsh, cruel prez, who is his father. He tries to keep the club life away from his wife. H instigated divorce proceedings from his wife. Wife decides to surprise H at clubhouse on his b-day & finds him getting oral from a club prostitute. Crazy prez has brother of H have sex with h while H watches. H owns a business in a nearby town. Pretty sure there are three books. 2nd book deals with best friend of H. BF is sent away by the H. BF gets to her house where she is ambushed by another club and beaten badly. I think H is called Blue.
352S: Sandy and Bean
I'm looking for a school reader I had in 1st grade, around 1974, that included a dog and cat named Sandy and Bean.
352R: Horse novel from the 60s or 70s (Solved!)
I got a Penguin boxed set for Christmas one year … included an anthology of horse poems, stories and excerpts from novels etc. The Brumby and THIS book that I cannot remember. A young woman in, I think Wales, buys a mountain pony and trains it with the help of a gruff but caring veteran horse owner. The girl is very compassionate about her horse and takes it to a pony club day and gets a ribbon for being so patient with her green mare. There is a ring of sheep rustlers going around and they surprise them in the act one night. The girl and the horse are injured but they survive and the last line of the book is “You will know us by our limps” or something like that. It’s driving me mental not being able to find it. There is a line in it when she thought her horse had died and it is something with the sentiment that she mourned her horse not just for her loss but for her horse’s life in the world … that she loved living so much and now she wasn’t … I would love to read it again and really want to get that quote correctly.
I’ve posted on some book finder blogs and no luck so far … unfortunately my parents’ house flooded in 2008 and they had to throw out a bunch of stuff from the basement … up until then this boxed set would have been there. Sigh. And original editions of The Black Stallion, a large picture book on the creation of the Misty of Chincoteague series etc. etc. I try not to think about that too much.