Author Archives: admin

350F: Cat is cared for by everyone in an apartment building

Bright, colorful illustrations. A stray cat is cared for differently by each person in an apartment building (plays with someone’s yarn, someone else feeds fish). In the end, she has kittens and each person takes one to live with them. One of the illustrations is of the apartment windows/balcony with each of the kittens with their family. Maybe published late 80s/early90s? Not Six Dinner Sid or The Cat with Seven Names.

350E: Supposedly Heroic Girl Dies in Apartment House Fire (Solved!)

Looking for a 1970s ya fiction book about a girl who died in an apartment house fire. Everyone thought that she was a hero because she alerted the other tenants to the fire so they could get out. Actually, it was her brother who had done the alerting while she went back to her apartment to get her shoe box of paper doll families. This was a much darker sequel to a book about a brother, a sister and another girl. Think the title may have been something like “The truth about (girl’s name)”, but not positive. Don’t remember author but know I read it right after it came out somewhere between 1969 and 1980.

350D: Shannon’s Job in the Historic House Run by Two Sisters

Years ago, I read a mystery about a college student named Shannon getting a summer job at an old house run by two old ladies (sisters). Students dress as Gibson girls & do tours through the historic house. Shannon befriends another girl student. There’s a guy that took a summer job there too. He’s a writer, I think his name is Michael. A relative of the Sisters also lives there. She likes caramels. There’s a murder. I think the Sisters names are Cora & Lanie or maybe Lennie.

350C: Short story compilation

It’s a short story compilation, I think all by the same author. One story is about a cancer support group up in some mountain-y commune, and a child dies by accident at the end. Another story is about two best friends with one of their boyfriends. He’s kind of awful, and I think there’s a scene where the three of them are at a roller rink. Another story is from the second person, and it’s about a frumpy redhead who is too skinny for ballet? At the end she gets to ride bikes with this boy.
I know this is a long description. The cover is of a forest, with a few kids on a rope swing jumping in a pool.
It’s amazingly written. I read it like 8ish years ago so it was published before that

349Z: Shadow people in the backyard of a big house

Around 1975 my teacher read the class a story about a family that moved into a huge house.  Their children discovered a family of shadow people living in the backyard.  The living children can see the shadow people because of their size – the shadow people can only be seen by living people whose size is smaller than their own.  I couldn’t get the concept of the book and my teacher, whom I adored, was a large woman so she used herself as an example of why the living adults in the big house could not see the shadow people.  I have fond memories of the feeling the book imposed but that is all I can remember of the book.


349Y: Boy wants a sled for Christmas, but doesn’t get it

I’m looking for a children’s picture book. It’s about a boy and his mother. Christmas is getting close. As they go about their days, they frequently pass by a store window, where the boy sees a sled he wants. I think it’s a red Radio Flyer type steel sled with rails. He wants it really badly. The story builds toward Christmas, but on Christmas morning he doesn’t get the sled he wanted. I think there may be some other, cheaper, sled under the tree. But it’s not the one from the window. I feel like it implied that the single mother just couldn’t afford it. I remember it being a sad book. This book always used to make my mom cry when she read it to us. Things have improved for us all now, and I’d love to find her this memory.

349W: Cat Cat Lives on C Street?

My favorite childhood book was I believe called (Cat Cat Lives in C Street). I can see the illustrations and the book cover in my mind. I can even remember some of the story lines. The family got other pets and Cat Cat kept trying to get rid of them. I have searched the internet high and low and have yet to find anything.. so I thought I’d see if I can stump you… The illustrations were black and white from what I remember and the cover was olive green with Cat Cat on a porch in front of C street.. just loved the story, a great childhood memory. Thank you for your help

349V: Spun around and upside down

I am trying desperately to find a beloved book from my childhood.  I do not remember the name, but I do remember a few details.

It had to be spun around and upside down as it was read; the characters were on some sort of adventure.
The characters to best of my memory were pink or purple blobbish type things…
It was a hardback book
I was born in 1967, so this could have been a 60s or an early 70s book.
I have looked and looked for the book to no avail.