Author Archives: admin

346Z: Virtual World Where Appearances Are Deceiving

I read this book in 2003 but I have no idea what the publishing year is.

I’m pretty sure Leonardo da Vinci’s Vitruvian Man is on the cover. It’s science fiction. It’s in the future and all races have cross-bred so much that people all have brown hair, skin, and eyes. People go into the virtual world to change their appearance so they can be tails, blue skin etc.... that’s all I remember.

346Y: Medieval Girl Watches Battle Out of Castle Window

The book was older and faded back in the early 90s, the art reminded me of the style of Stephen Kings Dark tower. It was found at a school library in the older kids/adult section and was defending fiction. The cover had a young girl with a solemn look in a red medieval dress sitting at a castle window. I remember something about a war or battle and it may have even been what she was watching out the window. I also remember a tilted drafting type table or needlework stand beside the girl. I was 9 when I started to read it and was told it was “too old” for me so it was taken before I could read more than the first couple of chapters. 

346X: Fairy Tale Collection From Pre-1950’s Era

I currently have part of the book, but the first 30 pages are missing. Also the binding is worn away and the final pages are missing. The book is a collection of folk tales, fairy tales, nursery rhymes, etc. I always called it the Wolf Book, but I’m sure that is not the title. It was published around 1950 at the latest , but could have been considerably older.
Some of the stories in it are: The Three Little Pigs, Chicken Little, The Lion Hearted Kitten, The Hole in the Ground, The Gingerbread Boy, The Three Sillies, The Tortoise and the Hare, Little Red Riding Hood, The Cap that Mother Made, The Boasting Bamboo, The Musicians of Bremen, Silly Will, Hans in Luck, The Ugly Duckling, and many more.


346W: Boy Makes Cake

I am looking for a childhood book and I remember it had a “Boy makes cake”. I remember a picture where the boy is making a cake and ingredients are all up wildly in the air. I grew up in the 70s but had several older siblings. Can you help? Thank you.

346V: Sex Workers Categorize Their Types of Clients

Non-fiction. Published pre-2008.  Possibly a few decades earlier. Authored by 1 or 2+ woman writers. This book details 13 (?) 15(?) types of male johns who frequent female prostitutes.  It is the result of studies and/or interviews conducted with prostitutes (possibly including 1 or more of the authors?) about the archetypes of johns who are categorized based on their preferences, requests, proclivities. It is an obscure book, somewhat academic in nature.  Possibly a U.S.-based publication. The title–I believe–did include a number referencing how many categories of johns there are.   (Note:  the book is NOT The Johns: Sex for Sale and the Men Who Buy It).

346U: The mystery machine at the orgy

Illustrated in Roald Dahl style, looked like a children’s book but was definitely adult themed. A girl was traveling and was “pleasured” in the car. Then arrived at a house where it never said orgy, but it describes one, and there was a machine that you didn’t find out what it did. The book was full of adult undertones and I was shocked because it looked like a children’s book. I thought it was called the machine but I cannot find it again.

346S: The no where land – Abstract Menace Engulfs World (Solved!)

The book opens with a team of emergency responders in a bar. Suddenly an alarm goes off, which is a shock – this normally doesn’t happen. Their work is to contain something abstract that has become very physical (e.g. “nothingness”) that threatens to engulf the land/world and is the result of some sort of corporate greed in the past. There are large pipes that contain the menace. This assignment doesn’t go as planned and the protagonist (a man) embarks on a harrowing journey.  Later in the journey some outside group/nation that seemed vaguely Middle Eastern comes to help. A new order is established with things very different as a result of the abstract threat.
The title is something like “the no where land” or “the nothing world”. I would guess that the book was written in the last 15 years by a man. It is sci-fi / fantasy but the laws of reality within the book are constantly changing and it’s a real mind bender.

346R: Medieval prince feigning illness (Solved!)

Looking for a children’s picture book from the 1970s. It was about a prince trying to get out of something. He draws red spots on his face to pretend to be ill. It’s set in medieval times, as he wore tights and those pointy slippers/shoes that turn up at the ends. That illustration or the cover was purple. Hardcover, portrait and about 8x10” or letter size. Might be British.

346Q: Fairy brings clay animals to life (Solved!)

American book published some time around 1930 about a little blond boy on a farm. The farm animals were all his friends. One day there was a storm and all his animals were carried away and he was heartbroken. He went down to a stream and started making little animals out of clay in the shape of the animals he had lost. He fell asleep and a fairy who was riding around on a throne made of pink clouds saw him and had pity on him and used her magic wand to bring the animals to life. The book was illustrated in color and the title might have included something like Happy Valley Farm or Sunny Valley Farm.