Category Archives: 1970s

147B: Heavily Illustrated book of North Ameriacan Wildlife

I am looking for a book that I read in my elementary school library when I was a student in the first half of the 1970’s. It was a heavily illustrated book of North American wildlife. I don’t remember the title or the author, but I have photocopies of several of the drawings. I liked the book enough to make copies of the illustrations, but unfortunately none of the pages have text on them to help identify the book. All the illustrations were full page with a single animal. Given that the image of the grizzly includes a frontiersman/mountain man, I searched for things like Davy Crockett, Hugh Glass, Louis and Clark, etc. without any success.

I also tried a google image search. The image of the grizzly returned 2 hits, one of which was in Japanese.

Help is greatly appreciated.

145K: Children’s Illustrated Mystery Book from late 1970’s?

I have been trying for decades to find a book from my childhood. I would have been about 6 or 7 when I got it, so it would seem to be late 1970’s/early 1980’s. It was a hardcover book, about 8.5 x 11 size, with illustrations on each page that had the reader solve a mystery. I cannot remember the title though I seem to think it was a set of two, and perhaps the main character had “professor” in his name somehow. I also seem to recall one or both mysteries being set on a dock and/or boat. The illustrations were brightly colored with dark outlines; a graphic style more so than a detailed realistic illustration. Any help would be appreciated!


143B: Scholastic Book circa 1971 Revolutionary War ghosts

The first book is about a modern day boy who lives in New England.  Every time the fog rolls in, a mysterious village of Revolutionary War era appears in the woods.  The boy develops a relationship with the villagers and eventually realizes that his own father also had a similar experience.  Either the boy or his father was gifted a pocketknife by the ghost villagers. 


141M: Farm Animals, Rhymes- Kitty Kitty drinking milk, your fur is fine and soft as silk

A Children’s book bought in the early to mid 80’s, might be A Little Golden or Elf? These are the lines “Bossy eats grass and swishes her tail and gives us milk in a shiny pail. Skippy drives the cows and sheep and over the fence will lightly leap. Piggy Piggy eats all day he sleeps so much he will