Category Archives: 1970s

124B: Collection of Ghost Stories for Young Adults

I don’t remember the title, but I think it may have been from Scholastic. I want to say in the 1980-1983 range.                                                                

I do remember the very first story was called “Hugh” and it was the classic hitchhiker story, and in this case Hugh the ghost saves the driver (if I’m not mistaken) from an accident.


122C: Romance Between White Woman and Native American Man

Romance between a white woman and a Native American man. Set in New England. She was unhappy with her home life (being forced to marry some lout?), and ran away. It was winter; they fell in love and had a child. One section that I recall vividly – she was ill during pregnancy and having difficulty urinating (it was made more romantic than it sounds!) and he brewed herbs and cured her. The title was something like Eagle and Dove or Fox and Rose – one of those Blank and Blank titles. I read this book in the late 1970’s and it was new.

121I: Pre-Teen Romance Anthology (Solved)

I read this book sometime between 6th and 8th grades, so between 1976 and 1979. It was not great literature but catered very much to pubescent and pre-pubescent girls. It was a mass-market paperback anthology of short stories, and I think they all dealt with romance and/or the characters’ first kisses. There might have been some that were just about the trials and tribulations of being that age, but if so, I don’t recall specifics. I do remember one of the stories mentioning chocolate pudding. In another -or maybe the same story- the protagonist went on her first date (possibly a school dance?), and when she and the boy walked home, he kissed her, and she said his lips tasted sweet like Coca-Cola.


103H: Boy’s Summer in the Country Novel (Solved!)

In 1976 I read a children’s full length softcover novel about a boy who moves to the country.  A girl lives nearby and she claims she can do anything as well as he can.  He has a weight set and can lift the heaviest weight.  She can lift it, too.  They visit a man who lives on a houseboat on a nearby lake.  “How deep is the lake?” he asks.  “Pretty deep,” she answers.  “A car went in it once.”  The girl sprains her ankle and the boy helps her home.



103A: Perfect Pumpkin’s Twist Ending

Hi. I’m looking for a book from the late 1960’s – early 1970’s, and I haven’t had any luck at the sites you recommend because I have so little to go on.

A little girl is excited about her class trip to a pumpkin patch where every child gets to choose and take home a pumpkin. When she finds her perfect pumpkin, she discovers a mouse living inside it. She decides to leave her perfect pumpkin so the mouse can stay and goes home empty-handed.


PS I grew up right by Shaker Square. Next time I come home I will visit your store!

102P: Tiny People Near a River

This book was a children’s book about a bunch of tiny people.  They lived on or around a river, and led a very scary life.  Someone – maybe a full size person, or a rival group of miniature people, was quite willing to kill them.  And hung dead animals up on trees to scare them away from wherever it was that they wanted to go.

I don’t know how it ended – as a child I only got through the first two thirds one night when my family was visiting another family, and there were no other kids present so I picked up something to read instead.  This would have been 1971/1972 in Africa, Lesotho or Swaziland.  So the book would most likely have been British in origin.  It was kind of dreadful and frightening for a kids’ book, but I have always been curious about how it ended!

102K, Solved: Bunnies Moving to a New Home

I don’t know the title, but it’s about a Mom and Child (I think it was a daughter) bunnies who needed to move out of their home (I think because it was too small) they go looking for a new home and but nothing is quite right until they find the perfect one (my sister and I can’t agree on what the final home was, if it was a stump or a large mushroom). I think there’s a picture at the end of them hanging checkered curtains and sweeping the front stoop.

The book would’ve been published before 1987. It had beautiful detailed illustrations, with lots of oranges and browns (so I’m thinking 1970’s).

Any help would be great. My sister has been wanting to buy this book for her children, since it was one of her favorites, but not knowing anything other than the plot has made it impossible to find.
