I’m looking for a children’s story about a princess who couldn’t clap, which embarrassed her family when they went to the opera. At the end of the story, she’s given a pair of gloves that button together at the wrists, so she can enjoy the opera with everyone else. I think there was a mention of something called “jumble mints” or “jumble sweets". It was probably part of a children’s anthology I had in the late 80’s and early 90’s. I’ve been searching for years; nobody in my family remembers this story and I’d be so thrilled to find it!
Category Archives: 1990s-
334D: Broken Lamb Ornament Restored
in the early 90's I received what I believe was a children's book of short Christmas stories. In particular, one was about a lamb Christmas tree ornament. I believe it was broken and then restored.
333Z: Australian Teenager on the Road, Searching for Biological Mother (Solved!)
333Y: SciFi Plot Fragment – The Harmony and The Melody (Solved!)
333X: SciFi Plot Fragment – Tacretude, species on the run from galactic gene police
333R: Interactive Alphabet Sounds
I am looking for a children’s interactive alphabet sound book that was purchased in the 90's at either Price Club or Costco. I believe it had a white cover with the soundboard of alphabet letters attached to the side of the book. Each letter would play a sound. All I can remember is that the “T” was for trombone. This is all I can remember at this point. Thank you!
333P: Boy in Wheelchair Can Astral Project
Grant Molina, cambriawk@gmail.com[/privaate]
Book was read in the late 80's - early 90's.
Boy is confined to a wheelchair, living with his grandma in a trailer. The town fair is near his home and he really wants to attend, but isn't able to. Somehow he astral projects himself to the fair. The boy's ability to astral project increases. At one point he notices a man who is suspicious or is about to commit a crime. The boy follows the suspicious man to he apartment. The apartment is filled with doll heads hanging from the ceiling.
Sorry if this description seems jumbled, it was second-hand information from my sister. I am trying to help her out. Thank you.
333M: Boy (Artist?) Finds Flower Fairy, Keeps it in a Glass Dome (Solved!)
333J: Victorian Mansion Cross Sections
I’m looking for a children’s book I had back around 15-20 years ago. It was a large picture book of a Victorian mansion (or castle?). Each page was another cross-section of a wing of the mansion, and a brief description and clue of something specific to search for on that page before turning to the next. I remember one page involving a dance/ball, and another involving a pillow fight, and one involving a garden/outdoors. Each cross-section depicted multiple floors, and the top ones typically belonged to the wealthy family while the lower ones depicted the staff/maids/bulter’s quarters, etc. I believe the protagonist is a young female child, and I vaguely remember there being a pelican involved — not sure if that was a character or part of the title; perhaps a mascot who guides the girl through the book. The pictures were very artistic and detailed, somewhat sophisticated and very amusing, so likely a book for children over 8 years old.
333I: Boy’s Overgrown Chalk Art Washed Away By Rain
Boy chalks beanstalk or garden all over the pavement/sidewalk of his town, possibly as part of an art competition. Then rain washes it away, leaving only what was done in an alley way.
Children’s fiction - read in 1980/1990s. He was given an allotted space to do his chalk art but he went up the walls and through alley ways etc. At the end it was all rained away.
Beautiful illustrations as I recall - not a chapter book but a child’s story book.