Category Archives: 1990s-
332Z: Exceptional Animals, “Goodness Gracious!” (Solved!)
Seeking a children’s rhyming picture book, published sometime in the last 10 – 30 years; describes major characteristics of several animals (i.e., big ears of a fenec, sharp teeth of something, big spots of leopard) using the phrase “Goodness gracious!”; final page is “Goodness gracious, what a noise . . . from girls and boys!” and it shows children playing outside at recess.
332L: Boy Visits His Own Memory Factory, Retrieves Memory From Messy Pile
I used to read it to my kids, maybe 10 years ago. It’s a story of a boy who shrinks himself down to go into his own ear and see how memories work. He meets lots of different characters as if he is in a factory. Ultimately after all the process, all his thoughts and memories are dumped in a giant pile in his head. Finally he finds (remembers) what his mom told him when he finds a red letter in the pile. It was beautifully illustrated and really funny. I think the boys name was Max last name seemed to be Mc-something, McGinty? Please tell me someone can assist! Thank you in advance!!
332E: Young Raccoon Gets Stuck Trying To Retrieve An Olive From Jar (Solved!)
Purchased between 1994-1998 in Ohio (maybe school book fair?). It is a small, paperback, children’s picture book. A young raccoon is at a park (maybe with his mom) and there are leftovers from a picnic. He tries to get an olive out of a jar, but it results in a “monkey trap” situation. I think people start coming his way and he realizes he must let go of the olive to get free. He lets go of the olive and scurries away to safety.
332D: Dark Fairy Tale
- Young adult fiction
- Part of a series
- Dark retelling of classic fairy tales
- Checked out from my local library between 1999-2008
- Around the same time I read “Just Ella” by Margaret Peterson Haddix, and this would have been around the same time period and genre. This could even be written by her as well.
331V: Trailer History (Solved!)
I’d judge this to be from the 1990’s. It’s a very fun and funny history of trailers (some mention of manufactured houses and tiny homes, but Trailers). Partial-color photograph on front shows an elderly woman planting flowers in her repurposed commode, no a flowerpot, in front of her trailer. The epilogue is, for a reason I’ve forgotten, the story of someone who watched a wolf take a piece of wool between his teeth and back slowly into a lack and submerge himself; the observer figuring the wolf knew his fleas would move to the ball of fuzz (I think lanolin was mentioned).
It is quite a read. The public library has no memory of it, even in records. Online there is nothing at all resembling it. Please help!
331O: Scary Stories, Author Visited Louisville KY Around Turn Of Millennium
331G: Paranormal Handbook For Kids
I am looking for a book that I read when I was about 7. It was probably published in the late 80s to early 90s and was basically a paranormal handbook geared towards kids. I would check it out from the juvenile section of my local library and it featured directions for basic ghost hunting and how to test ESP. It featured Shel Silverstein-like illustrations of kids doing the experiments (you know, that line art style that was so popular in the 80s). It may have had any (or none! how exciting!) of the following words in the title: paranormal, extrasensory perception, ghosts.
331F: Orphan Boy Escapes Evil Relatives And Joins The Circus
My stumper is a children's book, British, circa 1990s. An orphaned boy and his butler escape his evil uncles Caligula and Nero and Aunt Agrippina. Includes joining the circus and visiting a mattress factory. Illustrated throughout.
330Z: Toy Horse Comes To Life
It’s a children’s book, I think middle grade level? Not sure though, but I don’t remember it having pictures. A girl wants a horse for her birthday, but her parents get her a model horse instead. Girl is disappointed (I would be too!). She climbs a tree with the model and puts it on a branch, but is mad at it and flicks it down to the ground. It comes to life (full sized) and talks. She rides it around. I don’t remember how it ends. I probably read it in the early 90’s.