Category Archives: 1990s-

318L: British book about two pigs day in town!

This was a British (I think) book about two pigs whose parents were having a party, so they gave them each like a dollar to go out and have fun while they set up. They went out and went to the candy store and all these other places, and then at the end of the day they didn’t save enough money to ride the bus home, so the candy store owner gives them a ride home. And something about lollipops! And I think it has the word “town” in the title. Like, the pigs go to town, or a day in town, or something something town. It was purchased in the early 1990s in a small bookstore in New Hampshire, where we also got another book called Animal Party, which is also British. Maybe the same publisher?

317D: Little Girl Makes Lost Bear Oatmeal

I’m trying to find a children’s book that I listened to on tape when I was little. I think this would have been early 90s so the book would have been published between the 80s and 90s.
It’s about a bear who gets lost and a little girl takes care of him. I specifically remember her feeding him warm oatmeal filled with things like nuts, fruit and honey. I think Santa makes an appearance at the end? I’ve found lots of books with various iterations of Little Snow Bear in their titles but none are what I’m looking for. A woman narrates the book on tape. Don’t know her name.

316V: Poppy’s Garden

I’m pretty sure the title of the book is Poppy’s Garden. It’s about a little black girl named Poppy who is sad that she doesn’t have a real garden, so she plants poppy seeds in all the pavement cracks around her neighbourhood so eventually the whole place is her garden! It’s one of those large square shaped, fairly flat, children’s books. It would have been around in the early 90s but may have already been several years old by this point...

315Q: Siblings with a Magic Scepter

I read this fantasy book in late 80’s/early 90’s as a child. It featured a brother and sister. At least one had magic (maybe both). I believe brother had a magic scepter. Possibly had a large bird they rode to get to places. The cover may have shown the brother with the scepter riding the bird, but I may just be making that up. Good luck and thank you!

315N: Teen fiction book, bullying, blackmail and revenge!

Hi, I am trying to find an older children/teen fiction book probably published in the 90’s. It is about a group of classmates being blackmailed by the caretaker’s son, who knows each of their secrets. They group together to seek revenge and get their secrets back. There is an Asian or Indian girl, who cheated on a test, a girl with a white streak in her hair from a scar, the bully refers to her as ‘bird crap’ and I think her name was Rosa? A boy called Liam, nicknamed ‘mouse’ and the son of a famous footballer player, who is new to the school. The caretaker’s son loves battenburg cake, which he calls ‘window cake’. They all get their secrets back from him in the end, and confront him, meet his mother, etc. I have hunted the internet, but can’t find any sign of it!

312R: Ice Skating at Home

I am trying to remember the name of a book published by scholastic probably between 1995 – 1998. The book is about a girl whose house fills up with water and she is paddling through the water on her bed. She decides to go to the fridge and opens the fridge door so she can freeze the water. She then ends up skating through the house on the frozen water.

312K: People Across The Lake

The book I’m looking for would have been written before 1990. It would be fiction it would be about a prehistoric tribe that believes that although there were once other people (the lake people or the people across the lake) they are the only people left (they’re either ‘the people’ or the people of the forest, forest people, etc.). One of the main characters would be a girl named Zillah or a variant thereof. She has an overbearing father and at the end of the book she either dreams she sees or actually sees a person in a boat floating towards her on the lake.


312I: Missing Man

I’m looking for a fantasy book I read in the 80’s or 90’s. I believe the author was a woman. The story was about a man that is pulled into a fantasy world by a broken down cripple, to impersonate a guy that disappeared. There’s a stone that’s embedded into his skin, with memories. He has to convince an old wizard, and a beautiful woman. He also has to confront a bad guy. In the end, it’s revealed that the broken down guy is the missing guy, and that he was corrupted and broken by the evil guy.

312E: A Boy Living In A Village

I read this book sometime in the 80-84 time frame, possibly slightly earlier and no later than 1985.
I only recall that a boy was living in a village and he was training at various occupations – mining chalk (?) possibly from some chalk downs, studying astronomy and such things.
He at some point runs away or gets away and falls into some sort of underground crypt where he encounters the remains of some warrior lying there with a green stone axe on its chest.
He takes the axe….and that’s the last I remember.