Category Archives: 1990s-

156D: Haunted House Pop Up Book (Solved)

When I was a kid, sometime between 1987-1992, my grandmother bought me a hardcover book that contained 2 or 3 haunted plays that all took place in a mansion (or maybe a hotel?). In the front cover of the book was a pop up of the mansion, that included several rooms, to be used as the set for the plays. If I remember correctly, it also included cardboard cut outs of the characters to move from room to room as you “acted out” the play. My cousin and I played with this book for hours, but for the life of me, I cannot remember the title or the author. It’s not the haunted pop up book by Jan Pienkowski and it’s not the Disney haunted house book. If anybody can help me figure this out, I would GREATLY appreciate it.


153E: Looking for 70s environmentalist novel

I am trying to find a book I started to read in middle school, but it is hard for me to remember all of the details because I didn’t finish reading it. It was a novel, I think from the 70s, with a strong environmentalist message, “save the trees” etc. It was about high school students (?), and had intermittent poems throughout the text, including one that went something like “acid rain, like a single tear drop, rolls down the flower”.
It appeared old and worn to me when I was in middle school in 1998, a small hardcover book with blue binding. I think the latest date of publication would be 1980, as it was about environmentalism and the messages were similar to the messages of the 1970s. Sorry I don’t have more details, but let me know if this jogs anyone’s memory.

Thank you!


153D: Pulp explorer adventure puzzle book

At some point during my childhood, early grade school I would guess though I can’t pinpoint further (so circa 20 years ago?), my older brother brought a book home from the college book store at his college, Harvey-Mudd in California.

It was mainly an art book, depicting various Indiana Jones-esque archaeological adventures. The one I most vividly remember was a battle on a rope bridge, with unfortunate explorers tumbling over the side into some great chasm. There was also an introductory page depicting the top of a desk or table, strewn with artifacts obtained from the scenes on the later pages. But beyond that, it was a sort of puzzle book: the pictures were overlaid with what looked like torn-up pieces of a journal or memoir. When pieced together, they provided… something. The backstory of the pictures and artifacts? Clues to some further puzzle or objective you needed to find by hunting for clues in the pictures? I don’t remember ever attempting what was needed to put them together; you’d have to either photocopy and cut up the pages, or trace the fragments with paper and pencil.

Via my own research I’ve discovered there was also a pulp space adventure in the same series. Both had a sort of “many explorers left on this perilous voyage; only I survived” feel to them, so it had to have been aimed at young adults at least.


152E: ISPY type Children’s Book

There was a book I owned as a child in the the early/mid 90’s.  It was a hidden objects, interactive book, where I believe each page represented a different country.  There was definitely something about hidden treasures.  I believe after you finished the book, there were extra challenges at the end.  One of them was to find a particular man on each page.  I can’t remember if he was a good or bad guy (i.e. a detective or a thief.)  The one thing I remember absolutely is that on each page there was a capital letter hidden somewhere on the page.  After you found all the letters, you had to unscramble them and it would tell you the location of some hidden treasure ( I think it was some type of goblet.)  I remember that Brazil and China were two of the countries- I believe Russia was there too.  I think the answer to the riddle was that the treasure was hidden in Brazil.   It was a large hard-covered book and title completely escapes me. It might have been Treasure Hunt or something like that.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.


148D: Mouse family survives flood

From late 80s/early 90s. It was about a mouse family that lived inside walls of a building and had furnishings made of discarded household objects. Then one day their home is destroyed and is described as a “catastrophe” which I remember because that’s where I learned that word.  I think a flood?


145G: 90’s horror anthology (solved)

A horror anthology read in the early 90s, found at a school book fair.

-A girl has the power to shrink people who she feels betray her and keeps them in a dollhouse or birdcage.
-Two siblings befriend the new neighbor only to find that she’s a vampire
-A girl keeps hearing something in the cellar begging her for help. It turns out to be some mummified creature that drags her under the floor and that it had meant “help” as in “I’m hungry”
-SHADOWS COME TO LIFE AND KILL PEOPLE. There’s this big scene at the end where the latest victim family is desperately trying to light matches to keep the shadows away.

143N: Magical Midnight Garden Ball

I’m looking for a hardcover illustrated children’s book that I remember as having some of the most gorgeous illustrations I’ve ever seen. It’s not a novel, it’s more of a picture book. It has very little plot to it, and is more about describing sights and sounds than about a plot. It’s about a princess that goes to a ball (it could be a masquerade, I’m not absolutely sure), at or before midnight and dances with a fairy prince (I think she does, anyway). The ball is held outside on the palace grounds and in a garden maze (as far as I remember). I think the book ends at dawn when all the magical creatures dancing there disappear. It might have been written in poetry form. I think the cover had an illustration of the princess walking down a flight of stairs in a midnight blue dress. I remember the cover itself as being midnight blue, as well as that colour being the main colour of all of the pages. I can’t remember the title. I feel like it had either the word “Midnight” or the word “Mystery” in the title. I remember the clothing pictured as being 18th century-type and there were lots of peacocks and peacock type colours on several of the pages. The book was most probably published somewhere between the late 80s and mid 90s. I’m hoping someone will be able to help me with this. I only wish I could remember more. The illustrations themselves were reminiscent of the work of Graeme Base.