Category Archives: 1990s-

124C: Mrs. someone’s Cake Shop

This is a book that my mom read to me when I was a little girl in the late 80’s, early 90’s.  I think it was called something like “Mrs. ______’s Cake Shop” (or possible Bake Shop) although I’m not sure and haven’t found anything by searching with those keywords.

I remember that it was about a lady who had a cake shop with all different kinds of cakes. The illustrations were really cute and it talked about how she made big cakes, and little cakes, and short cakes, and tall cakes….The illustrations showed cakes of all colors and sizes sitting on different platters. Some cakes had frosting and were very fancy, others had no frosting. Some were little like cupcakes and had pink frosting (I think) with cherries on them.

I think the story continued with her boxing up a cake, or several cakes, that she was going to deliver somewhere. As she is walking along with her cakes, it starts to rain. I think she didn’t bring her umbrella with her because she was holding all the cakes, or there is something about her umbrella in the story, but I’m not sure if its a main part of the story or not.

And that’s all I can remember!

This was one of my favorite books as a little girl and I can still remember the illustrations of all the little cakes in my mind but I just can’t seem to remember the title or how the rest of the story goes.



118E: Woman Out Jogging is Kidnapped to Another World Where Everyone Has Tawny Colored Eyes

I think this book stumper may be one of the harder ones. I’ve been trying to help my friend find this one and we’ve gone ALL over the Internet to every single site that does this sort of thing and NO ONE has the slightest idea of what the book is. SO, if you guys can figure it out we’d both be eternally grateful!! 🙂

 What is Remembered About it:
the name of the planet translated to “Tawny” if I remember. that was also the colour of the eyes of all natives there. the woman who was transported
to the planet had different coloured eyes.
I remember that she became a “priestess’ due to the fact she had more than
one child with her husband back on Earth. as well as due to her transport.
she had special abilities. abilities these males in a bad area wanted to
stop. because they wanted the natives to stop breeding.

1) Available in 80s or 90s in SF/Fantasy
(2) The author is definitely a woman
(3) It is *not* part of a series – it is a stand alone book
(4) I have a vague recollection of the word “Karin” or “Kirin” or “Kyrin”
or something like that in the title or possibly the name of the main
character or the planet. But, searches on these words have been fruitless.
(5) The opening of the book is set in “modern” times – i.e. 20th century.
(6) The main character is a 30-something year old woman who is out jogging
and gets transported to another world through a vortex. She finds herself
as a pseudo servant on this planet. Character ‘falls’ for overlord of
manor. The book sounds like a corny sci-fi romance, but it is not a
ripper’. [I recall a scene in a horse paddock where the
is trying to capture her. She is still wearing her jogging shoes and she
able to evade him because her running skills are superior to the other
captives. Another scene I remember takes place in a sauna. Another woman
reaches out and touches the main character’s c-section scar. A spark leaps
between them and the other woman is able to get pregnant. In another scene
she is back on a starship and finds out that she was kidnapped illegally
and that there is no way for her to get back to earth as too much time has
now passed there and her family is long gone

(7) The book is NOT part of the “Gor” series by John Norman. Again, not a bodice ripper!


102W: Intergalactic Airport

A children’s book (early 90s/late 80s?). Comes with tape. A boy enters an abandoned house (w/ little sister?); it’s really an intergalactic airport for aliens. Aliens are friendly; one that’s green with multiple eyes buys him a multi-flavored milkshake.