Category Archives: Anthology

180D: A Childrens Treasury of Stories and Poems? (solved)

Unsure of exact title. A large childrens book of nursery rhymes, poems and stories. Hard covered, may have been blue. Published in the 1950’s. Included;

-I saw a ship a sailing
-Mud(Polly Chase Boyden)
-The Goops
-Father Williams(Lewis Carroll)
-The Fairies(William Allingham)
-The Brownie Yearbook(Palmer Cox)
-Winkin, Blinkin, and Nod
– The naughty soap song

-The Little Match Girl
-The Tinderbox
-The Fisherman and his Wife
-The Emperors New Clothes
-Why the Bear has a Stumpy Tail
-Black Beauty
-Puss in Boots
-Henny Penny
– The Pied Piper
-Puss in Boots
-The Princess and the Pea
-The Bremmontown Musicians

These are a few of what I can remember. The book started with classic nursery rhymes (little boy blue, Hickory Dickory Dock, Humpty Dumpty, ect.) and then went to poems and then stories.


179B: Fairy Tales from Around the World including Lapland

This book was probably late 40’s or early 50’s and was a collection of fairy tales from around the world. It did have Bluebeard and Puss in Boots and some of the traditional stories, but it also had a story about children in “Lapland”. It was probably fourteen inches or so in height and maybe and inch and a quarter to an inch and a half thick. It had some illustrations. I can’t remember much more but I would recognize it instantly. Please help me identify it!

178G: magic old stamps (solved)

When I was a kid in the 1970s, I had book of wonderful/magical tales – the one short story that I loved (and have been looking for) is about a boy who finds these old, strange postage stamps in some box in his house – they have pictures on them that depict beautiful, exotic places that he’s never heard of.
He puts one on an envelope and it gets whisked away through the air, only to return a little while later, roughed up and postmarked. He puts a stamp on a package and it too gets whisked off – only to return, appearing well-travelled and postmarked. Then he puts his old pet cat in a box and puts stamps on it – the box is whisked away to this magical land, only to return with the cat seemingly younger and rejuvenated. I think it may have ended when he sent himself off on the same journey.
I don’t recall the name of the book or this particular story – but I suspect it had “stamps” in it.

177B: Retro Kitsch Picture Book

I am looking for a nursery rhyme picture book that I had in the mid to late 1980’s. The measurements of the book are approx. 7 by 7. The book is at least 90 pages; it was pretty thick. The illustrations are very bright and vibrant and have been described as “retro kitsch” similar to Virginia Parsons illustrations. The rhymes are the original English versions. For example, instead of “Ring-around-the rosie” it reads Ring-a-ring o’roses”. If you do a google image search for “retro kitsch” and “nursery rhyme” you will see a woman selling pages from the book on Etsy. i have contacted her and she claims to have no information about the book itself. There may have been some fairy tales mixed in with the rhymes, not sure if I am remembering that correctly. I beleive there was some red on the cover. It was a hardcover book and the pages have a matte finish. Thank you for your help!

175E: 1970s/1980 s anthology of children’s stories with a story about pancake land

I am looking for an anthology of short children’s stories that I had as a child ( in the mid 1980s). Based on my recollection, it should have been published in the late 1970s to mid 1980s. It had a shiny navy blue cover with some illustrations. There were spot color illustrations throughout the book. I would estimate that it had between 200 – 300 pages in total. It contained numerous short stories.

The story that i recall most clearly involves a boy who had to wash dishes as a punishment. During this chore, he was magically transported to a land where everything was made from pancakes. There were countless other stories in this book, including one about elves who were cobblers and a pirate who was a rat.

173H: Looking for my Grandma’s Book

I am looking for a book with children’s stories. I don’t know the title. When my grandmother was a child, around 1910, one of her teachers gave her a book and my grandmother was given the task to recite one of the stories. The story was about 2 sisters on a dock and one of the sisters failed to save her sister when she fell into the swirling waters. I didn’t see the book, but grandmother provided the above information before she died. Thirty years later I saw the story in a museum in an open book that was locked under a glass counter. There wasn’t anyone manning the counter and I wasn’t able to inquire about it to get the name of the book. The book wasn’t large, perhaps 40-50 pages thick and perhaps it had a black cover. My sister thinks the name of one of the girls was Maggie. I would love to purchase this book if anyone knows of it.

172E: Please Help me find my Grandmother’s story/poetry/song book

:  In the 1960’s my grandmother read to her six grandchildren (born in the late ‘50’s), from a beaten up old story book that had no cover.  Thus, I suspect it was my father’s and aunt’s book when they were little.  They were born in the late 1920’s to 1930.  The book was quite thick – nearly two inches, and large, about 9 x 12.  I recall it was larger than letter size.  The print was about 18 to 24 point, with many colored illustrations, like we see in old books from the early 20th century.  The literature was organized by simple nursery rhymes in the front to longer and harder stories and poems at the end of the book.  We enjoyed the songs in the book, but there was no music scores, just words.  One poem/song was, “Over in the Meadow.”  I pasted the words to the specific version that was in the story book.  There’s a newer/different version to this poem floating around.  In my grandmother’s old story book, this poem covered many pages, because each stanza was illustrated.

In addition, the words to America the Beautiful (Oh Beautiful for Spacious Skies) were in the book, with beautiful illustrations.  The song was spread out on several pages because of the illustrations.  I think there were some Robert Louis Stephenson poems, too.  I do not remember some of the longer stories.  There was another patriotic song in the book, too, but I do not remember which one.  Also, there might have been some hymns like Onward Christian Soldiers, but that might be an incorrect memory.

We loved that book.  We would sit on my grandmother’s lap in the big rocking chair, an Abe Lincoln rocking chair, and she would read and sing to us for hours.

Here are the words to Over in the Meadow that was in that old story and song book.  I would love to buy this book, in any condition, if you can identify it.

Over in the meadow
In the sand in the sun,
lived an old mother turtle
and her little turtle one.

“Dig,” said the mother,
“I dig,” said the one,
and they dug all day
in the sand in the sun.

Over in the meadow
where the stream runs blue,
lived an old mother fish
and her little fishies two.
“Swim,” said the mother,
“We swim,” said the two,
and they swam all day
where the stream runs blue.

Over in the meadow
in a hole in the tree,
Lived an old mother owl
and her little owls three.
“Whoo,” said the mother,
“We whoo,” said the three,
and they whooed all day
in the hole in the tree.

Over in the meadow
by the old barn door,
Lived an old mother rat
and her little ratties four.
“Gnaw,” said the mother,
“We gnaw,” said the four,
and they gnawed all day
on by the old barn door.

Over in the meadow
in a snug beehive,
Lived an old mother bee
and her little bees five.
“Buzz,” said the mother,
“We buzz,” said the five,
and they buzzed all day
in the snug beehive.

Over in the meadow
in a nest built of sticks,
Lived an old mother crow
and her little crows six.
“Caw,” said the mother,
“We caw,” said the six,
and they cawed all day
in the nest built of sticks.

Over in the meadow
where the grass grows so even,
Lived an old mother frog
and her little froggies seven.
“Jump,” said the mother,
“We jump,” said the seven,
and they jumped all day
where the grass grows so even.

Over in the meadow
by the old mossy gate,
Lived an old mother lizard
and her little lizards eight.
“Bask,” said the mother,
“We bask,” said the eight,
and they basked all day
by the old mossy gate.

Over in the meadow
by the old scotch pine,
Lived an old mother duck
and her little duckies nine.
“Quack,” said the mother,
“We quack,” said the nine,
and they quacked all day
by the old scotch pine.

Over in the meadow
in a cozy, wee den,
Lived an old mother beaver
and her little beavers ten.
“Beave,” said the mother,
“We beave,” said the ten,
and they beaved all day
in their cozy, wee den.

172A: Book of Children’s Poems and Stories (Solved)

In the mid 50’s, I spent most of my time when visiting my grandmother, immersed in the volumes of books she had in her library. One book, or story, haunts me and I would love your help. This was, I believe, a blue hardcover children’s compilation of poems and short stories. It is all pen and ink; beautiful drawings.

One of the first stories is of a baby in a beautiful cradle with white bedding being placed in a beautiful garden near the family home. A wind begins to blow and animals (bears?) wander out of the dense woods and…? The book could have been written in the early 1900’s (20’s or 30’s), I have no recollection of the title of the story/poem or the name of the book. Not much to go on but I would welcome any suggestions.