Category Archives: Anthology

171I: illustrated children’s non-fiction book

I’m looking for an illustrated children’s non-fiction book from the early 1960s, a collection of several stories. The only two I remember clearly are 1) an account of the killing of Blackbeard the pirate, and 2) a theoretical account of the first moon landing—wrong as it turned out, since it posited a re-entry vehicle with wings and landing gear. Thanks for any help!

171G: scary short stories book from the 80’s

I remember a bit about a few stories from the book. 1) A blob like thing killing people 2) A small friendly alien that a child is able to see in his house. The creature is surprised the child can see him and makes some adjustments to something so he cant be seen next time. 3) A third was set in the future where a child asks an older person what a book is, and the adult says “words that stay”.
I could be remembering wrong but I think those were all stories from the same book.
The book could have been published in the 70’s or 80’s, I remember getting it from the library sometime in the early 80’s.  I hadn’t finished reading it and my dog destroyed it, pages all over my back yard.
Thanks for any help you can provide!

171E: 1970/1980 Collection of stories on character. Little boy, girl with mom/dad. Colored illustrations throughout.

It was in my church library in the early 80’s. It was hard cover and had lots of short stories in it. One of the stories there was a little girl with a dress, knee socks and shoes, she was wearing a headband and holding a white bible on her way to Sunday school. I The church in the picture was a little white church with stained glass windows I think. The front may have had a boy and a girl on it and possibly parents. It was a collection of stories on church/morals/character…Title might have had the word happy in it? Cover was white…and hard covered.

171A: Book of Poetry and Stories

When I was a child, we had a set of books that included 6-8 volumes. I don’t believe it was Childcraft, but something similar. The first volume was gray and blue, I believe. The illustrations were absolutely stunning. I remember many of the poems – Robert Louis Stevenson; one about digging in the sand at the beach; a diller, a dollar, a 10 o’clock scholar; two little kittens, one stormy night, began to quarrel and then to fight. There were also stories – Christmas at Hollow Tree Inn; one about fairies.

166D: Woman wants blue teapot for birthday (solved)

The book is a medium-sized hardcover compilation of children’s stories that includes one about a woman who is upset because she cannot find or does not have a blue teapot. Her friends and neighbors begin bringing her teapots of varying sizes and patterns, but none of them are the right one. Eventually she finds the teapot she wants and decides to give the other ones away.

Other stories may include a clambake, a young boy taming/naming a horse named Starbuck on a ranch, the circus coming to town, and a man who peddles pots on a mountain. My memory is fuzzy, so I’m not sure if those will be included in the book — but it’s important that the story of the teapots is there. I believe that this is a book my mother read as a child, so it should be published before or during the early 1960s. The cover (sans dust jacket) is bright green and depicts a valley or meadow. Any help or suggestions you could give would be invaluable.

166A: Collection of folk/fairy tales from around the world

A beautifully illustrated hard cover book of folk and fairy tales from around the world, including Peer Gynt, Tovik Tomte and the Trolls, a story about African wind, the Twelve Seasons, a blue-beard type story from China, an Australian story about the breadfruit flower/tree, a Scottish story about a black bull & an Irish story about a mermaid.


163C:Collection with Little Red Hen and a Fox (solved)

I’m looking for a collection of children’s short stories that my mom read as a child (either read herself or had them read to her – her memory is fuzzy).  She was born in 1944.  She remembers illustrations in the book and the book having a story about a fox and a little red hen.  Any information or leads you can provide would be awesome!

163A: illustrations, dragon toothache, Li Po moon, princesses, mountain climbing

I am looking for a large (coffee-table sized) book of children’s stories that are beautifully illustrated by watercolor in full color with glossy pages. The illustrations could be kind of scary–they were artistic, but not childish or cartoonish. The stories were involved, with lot of text.
One was about a dragon that had a toothache because a baker’s apprentice brought him so many cookies and donuts. Another about the Chinese character Li Po trying to get the moon in a cup.
Another about dangerous mountainous adventures.


157I: Collected Stories and Poems

My aunt bought me this book in the late 1970s (I’m thinking 1978 for some reason). It was a white hardcover with green leaves I believe, and a picture of King Arthur on the front. Maybe 3/4 of an inch thick. She got it at a little 5 and dime (G.C. Murphy’s) located in Southern Ohio.

I’m guessing there were probably 20-30 stories in the volume and each had full color illustrations. In the back of the book was a selection of poetry. Also some illustration in with the poetry but these were in black and white.

Some of the stories included were: Sinbad, Puss in Boots, The Emperor’s New Clothes, King Arthur, The Tinder Box, and Jack the Giant Killer.
The only poem I remember distictly was The Jabberwocky.
I want to say the title was something like “A Children’s Treasury of…” or something similar.