Category Archives: Solved

216B: being nice (Solved)

about a boy who (i think) trips over his dog coming down the stairs in the morning, makes him mad, so he is mean to everyone all day. The book shows how the anger/meanness is spread from person to person. It then show either the next day, or an alternate reaction and how niceness and kindness is spread to everyone. (I think maybe in the negative day it spreads around until it comes back to him and someone is sharp/mean to him) I read this book in my local library at least 19 years ago.

214E: Guy falls for a girl with a dog (Solved)

Guy falls for a girl with a dog, eventually they breakup. I read the book in around 2002 and believe it was a new release at the time. It’s told from the perspective of a guy and think the author was male. He meets a girl who has a dog (I’m pretty sure it was a dachshund) and they start a relationship. She was quirky and did things like carry a pocket vocabulary book with her on the bus (maybe subway or train). Eventually they break up and he is devastated but realizes that he put her on pedestal. Alas, I can’t remember anything else. Any help would be appreciated, it’s been driving me crazy trying to figure this out.

The cover of the book has a picture of the dog, which is probably a dachshund.

It would be so amazing if you can find this book!!!

214B: Collection of Life’s Lessons For Children (Solved)

This book is probably from the 40s or 50s. It was a series of stories that taught children how to make good choices. One story featured a greedy little boy who always grabbed the biggest cookie or cupcake for himself. To teach him lesson someone makes a nice spread of food featuring one very large muffin or potato etc. but something is always wrong with the biggest piece. For example a large pie has almost no filling inside! When he grabs the biggest one he always gets disappointed.

213E: Performing family in a covered wagon (Solved)

I am trying to remember the name and author of a children’s novel I received as a present when I was in third grade, in 1976 or 1977.
I believe it was a Yearling book. I received it at the same time I received a Yearling book about Sitting Bull, and I remember the two books had similar insignia on them that must have represented the publisher.
I think the title may have had the word “Day” in it, as in “XXXXX Day,” but I could be wrong about this. I will explain more about this below.
The book was about a family that traveled around the Old West in a covered wagon with a cow tied to the back. They were a performing family, and in each town they reached, they made money by putting on a show that included different acts typical of entertainment at that time. The main performer was the father, a grandiose, kind, eccentric and wise man. I remember little about the mother other than that she was the more sensible parent. I think there were two children, an older daughter who was probably a teenager and a son who may have been a preteen or a bit younger. If there was a third sibling, I don’t remember her or him. The cow was somewhat considered an important part of the family as well.
The father and mother were somewhat strict, but being a funloving family they had a family tradition called something “… Day.” This is a key part of what I don’t remember. Each child could declare it was “XXXX Day,” and on this day they could get away with anything.
Early in the book, the family is traveling across the prairie from one town to another, when suddenly they realize the cow is missing. It turned out the boy had untied the cow, so they had to retrace their path for miles to find the missing cow. But the boy declared that it was “XXXXX Day,” so they couldn’t punish him.
One of the family’s acts in their show featured the son as a disembodied head looking through a box and giving oracular advice to the crowd. One of the main plots featured a mystery of some kind in the town where much of the action takes place, possibly solving a crime. The daughter and son figure out the answer, or believe they have figured it out, but they’d get in trouble if they told anyone. So the boy essentially tells townspeople the solution to the mystery when he is the disembodied head looking at the crowd through the box.
This is all I can remember. I would love to get this book for my children, or at least those still young enough to enjoy it.

Can you find this book?

212F: Boy with ability to copy other’s skills. (SOLVED)

I read the book in 6th grade (1990-1991.) The book most likely printed mid to late 1980s or early 1990s. Set in modern times in North America/USA. Male lead age 13-15. Junior high or high school student. He finds out one day he can some how summon abilities. Example in the only scene I remember he’s being followed. He confronts his stalker and summons the abilities of a boxer and fights off his stalker. Through out the book he summons skills. Sometimes he can do it other times the power fails. Doesn’t understand how he can do it.

Can anyone help?

211C: YA mystery series (Solved)

I’m attempting to find two YA novels (may be part of a longer series) featuring best friends Kim (tall, thin, blonde) & Alexa (name may not be exact; small, brunette), 13-15yo, amateur detectives. One book features them at riding camp, investigating twin sisters who may be planning to kill male counselor who impregnated one sister. In one scene, they hike through a cave with stalactites and stalagmites. The other book features a mysterious death at a neighbor’s house where college/20-smtg friends of neighbor’s child(ren) are staying; they are involved in drugs and may have faked friend’s death by drowning him/her in swimming pool. I seem to recall the author had a woman’s name. The last I saw these books was in my secondary school library in the late 1980s/early 1990s. I would guess they were published in the late 1970s or early 1980s. Any help appreciated!

210G: Boy uses coal chute to recreate clown car (Solved)

Full-color picture book published between 1940 and 1980. At the beginning, a coal delivery to the boy’s basement through a chute. Then the boy’s father takes him to the circus, and he sees a clown car but can’t figure out how they do it. Somehow, he thinks of the coal chute and figures out that there must be a trapdoor under the car for the clowns to go. Then he makes his own clown car.