Category Archives: Solved

184B: Dark Fantasy Story Record (solved)

I don’t know if you do storybook records, but…

Maybe it was a written book too? I have this very distinct memory of a children’s story record I used to listen to as a kid (probably in the early ’90s). It was a kind of dark fantasy adventure story where this outcast boy runs away from home with promises of wonderland and winds up in this awful, prison-like school. He winds up helping lead the rest of the kids to overthrow the grownups and escape. The reluctant hero (or possibly one of the other kids in the story?) has some kind of an OCD thing where he has to repeat things multiple times and I want to say his nickname was something to that effect, like Freddie Five-Times or Tommy Two-Times.

182C: Boy who could go into animals minds (solved)

looking for a childrens book about a boy who can get into animals minds. Can’t control them , but know what they feel and think. He helps a local vet, figure out what’s wrong with various animals. Ultimately the boy gets killed while in the “mind” of a horse, and realizes he can go to other animals, as book ends with him going into a eagle and soaring away. I thought the name was something like “the boy who talks to animals” or something along those lines, but come up empty when I search. Can anybody out there help me figure this one out?

182A: “No School Tomorrow”? (solved)

This is a children’s book that I believe was written in the 1920’s or 1930’s. It is a chapter book about a little girl and her summer vacation. She would play in her backyard and make little houses out of twigs and leaves for fairies, and cook out in the backyard. Her father calls her by the nickname of “Louella Pouella”. She is having her bedroom redecorated, and her father asks her if she would like to have her bedroom painted “sky blue pink”. I believe the book was titled “No School Tomorrow” or “There is No School Tomorrow”, but I have no idea who the author was. I purchased this book in 1966 at my grade school book fair. Any help would be appreciated.

181C: Unknown Beastmaster (solved)

Unknown Beastmaster – not the series, but a single book, and this one has a young woman (perhaps a teen) as the main character. She somehow ends up in a gorgeous forest (definitely a fantasy book) where she can communicate with the ‘beasts’ and becomes the ‘master’ although the relationships are more friendly. I read this in the 70’s but have no idea when it was published. The cover had a picture of the young girl surrounded by vines and lush vegetation and of course animals. I always remembered the title as Beastmaster but it comes up in no searches, anywhere. Can anyone help? Thanks!

180G: African folk tale book (solved)

I am trying to remember an African folk tale book I had as a kid. It was illustrated along the same lines as “Anansi the spider” but it was about a boy in a village who traveled in a canoe for some reason… and along the way, all of his belongings started disappearing one by one??
I may be remembering this incorrectly.

But his mother was a character in the book and I think possibly he was grown when he returned to the village??

There was also a a wreath of fruit… ?

Any help is appreciated!

180F: Children sent to live with Aunt (solved)

. I don’t remember much about this book but it was two children from London who were sent to stay with their Aunt in the country (Maybe Ireland??) during the end of their mother’s pregnancy I think. They were pre-teens brother and sister and they thought she was a witch but she was just eccentric. I remember they followed her out one night to see what she was up to and she was just picking mushrooms. I have been looking for this book for years. Read as a child in 1988 and I don’t think it was new then.

180D: A Childrens Treasury of Stories and Poems? (solved)

Unsure of exact title. A large childrens book of nursery rhymes, poems and stories. Hard covered, may have been blue. Published in the 1950’s. Included;

-I saw a ship a sailing
-Mud(Polly Chase Boyden)
-The Goops
-Father Williams(Lewis Carroll)
-The Fairies(William Allingham)
-The Brownie Yearbook(Palmer Cox)
-Winkin, Blinkin, and Nod
– The naughty soap song

-The Little Match Girl
-The Tinderbox
-The Fisherman and his Wife
-The Emperors New Clothes
-Why the Bear has a Stumpy Tail
-Black Beauty
-Puss in Boots
-Henny Penny
– The Pied Piper
-Puss in Boots
-The Princess and the Pea
-The Bremmontown Musicians

These are a few of what I can remember. The book started with classic nursery rhymes (little boy blue, Hickory Dickory Dock, Humpty Dumpty, ect.) and then went to poems and then stories.


180C: Book containing stand-up comedy scripts. (solved)

This was a paperback book published (probably) in the late 1970’s or early 1980’s. It included stand-up comedy transcripts from many different famous comedians. I think a Bill Cosby routine may have been in there, and I’m pretty sure I recall the Smothers Brothers’ “Mom Liked You Best” as well. Other people in the book may have included George Carlin and Robert Klein, but I can’t remember precisely.

Any help locating this title would be greatly appreciated. Thanks so much!