Category Archives: Solved

174B: Teddy bear picture book in the sea (solved)

I’m looking for a picture book about a teddy bear named “Jacques” that falls out of a boat into the ocean along with some other stuffed animals (a white sheep?). He sees mermaids and an octopus squirts him with ink. He eats “fish fingers”. It’s most likely English and I had it when I was about 4 or 5 back in ’89 or there about. The book had very interesting full page illustrations.

It’s been bothering my sisters and me for decades!

173E: Lost and Found Dragon Fire (solved)

Looking for a Children’s Book my son had in the late 1970’s or early 1980′s – It was about a Dragon that Lost his Fire or had no fire and found it, and it was illustrated. Found newer ones that have a similar title but they are not the correct one. My son just had TWINS and is looking for the original that he had so he can start hem out right :-)!   Any Help will certainly be appreciated!

173A: Lost Book Mother Learned to Paint From (solved)

I’m lookiJanetFng for a book my mother had as a child. I think you would call it an coloured Illustration book with animals all dressed up. Some with babies and some not. My mother was born in the 1920’s So not even sure how to find it without a name. My mother loved this book and later in life she became a painter. She painted from the book an elephant that was dressed with a mouse and the elephant is jumping because of the mouse. Also a possum with her babies. I have one painting I will send you from the book. My father out lived 2 wives and was on his 3th wife when he passed so my mother’s book got lost. I remember how she loved this book and would love to find it.

172A: Book of Children’s Poems and Stories (Solved)

In the mid 50’s, I spent most of my time when visiting my grandmother, immersed in the volumes of books she had in her library. One book, or story, haunts me and I would love your help. This was, I believe, a blue hardcover children’s compilation of poems and short stories. It is all pen and ink; beautiful drawings.

One of the first stories is of a baby in a beautiful cradle with white bedding being placed in a beautiful garden near the family home. A wind begins to blow and animals (bears?) wander out of the dense woods and…? The book could have been written in the early 1900’s (20’s or 30’s), I have no recollection of the title of the story/poem or the name of the book. Not much to go on but I would welcome any suggestions.

171B: Young Boy Feels Banished (solved)

Child’s chapter book, designed for ages 8-11. Published late 80’s or early 90’s. A  young boy is brought to spend the summer with his great aunt and uncle. Feeling banished and angry, he refuses to stay in touch with his parents. Little by little, however, he opens up to adventures of life in the country, making friends with his relatives, with their pet hen (who they speak to only in French: “Va te coucher, Pauline”) and with a young girl on a nearby farm. Toward the end there is a wild search for the beloved hen.

170A: Blond siblings with a Crazy Aunt (Setting may be Europe) (solved)

This series of books was in my intermediate school library, which I attended in 1984-86. The main characters were sisters, maybe twins or just close in age. I believe there were only two or three books in the series and the girls kind of came of age during the series. One plot in the first book involved a mentally ill aunt. When the girls visit her, she tells one of them that her shoes are “shit brown,” and the librarian or administration at my school had very noticeably blacked out the word “shit”. I think in one of the books a death in the family is also dealt with. There were occasional black and white illustrations in the books. They were probably each less than 100 pages. I have a sense that they may have taken place in Germany or Austria. If not, then maybe the characters were immigrants to the USA from one of those countries. I’m picturing a purple or light blue cover/binding. Thanks for any leads!