Category Archives: Solved

169G: Beaver kids’ young sister is named Crackie, chapters end with non sequiturs (solved)

I found it at a library sale in the early ’80s and it’s long since lost. Hardcover, no jacket, a drawing of two beaver kids against a dark green background (if memory serves). A chapter book, maybe 100 pages. Pulp paper. Pub date could have been 1900 to 1940; I would be shocked if it’s any more recent.

The two things I remember:

1. The little beaver sister, Crackie, earned her name because she constantly cracks or breaks things. In one chapter she drops an ice cream cone and the tip breaks off.

2. The last sentence of every chapter contains a non sequitur in this form: “And as long as I have time to bring Mrs. Gaffney the blueberry pies for her pet cat, I’ll tell you the next part of the story.” (There is no reference to Mrs. Gaffney, pies, or a cat anywhere else in the book.) I remember the ones in the book being truly amazing and weird.

Thanking you all in advance

169C: YA Romance Set in Early 20th Century, Lead Characters Play Romeo & Juliet in School Play (solved)

I remember reading this YA book, which I believe had a sequel, in the mid 1970s.  It took place in the early 20th century in the New York area, somewhere slightly north of New York City, possibly Westchester or Tarrytown.
The book(s) tell the story of the budding romance between the female protagonist and a boy who is a fellow student. At one point, the pair is cast to play Romeo & Juliet in a school production.  Another slightly older female character (either a friend, or a sister), has a crisis (an unexpected pregnancy?) and she drinks a bottle of laudanum in response.

167C: Purple Monster with inflatable (elephant) trunk. (solved)

I read these books as a kid – it had a purple monster with an inflatable trunk(like an elephant)?

The story was somehow a brother and sister have to go back in time to rescue their father who got sent back to the dinosaur age.  When they get to the dinosaur age they find this creature that becomes a friend.  It is a 4 legged big bushy purple monster with an elephant trunk.  The monster can inflate his trunk to fly and help solve other problems as the 3 go looking for the kids father?


166F: Under the Mulberry Bush (solved)

This is a book I read as a child and borrowed from the school library in the early 1990s. I’m fairly certain it was a fictional book, not an autobiography. I think it was called ‘Under the Mulberry Bush’ but could be wrong, as I can’t seem to find any book that matches that. It was about a girl (possibly with a French grandmother?) who goes to live with another family that’s experiencing some financial troubles, and they have a lot of mulberry bushes, which means that they have a lot of silkworms, which eat mulberry leaves. She comes up with the idea of using the silkworms to make money by harvesting the silk they produce and selling it. It’s a very risky proposition, and it takes a lot of exhausting work because she doesn’t know anything about silkworms and harvesting their silk, but she manages to learn all she needs to and get it to work. In the end, she saves the family and falls in love with one of the family’s sons, even though they didn’t get along at first. (and I want to say they have some sort of private joke about crab apples, and in one of the ending scenes, he throws a crab apple at her and she catches it)

Sorry, I don’t have much more than that! As a child I remember it being a sweetly romantic tale that I would love to buy and reread.


166D: Woman wants blue teapot for birthday (solved)

The book is a medium-sized hardcover compilation of children’s stories that includes one about a woman who is upset because she cannot find or does not have a blue teapot. Her friends and neighbors begin bringing her teapots of varying sizes and patterns, but none of them are the right one. Eventually she finds the teapot she wants and decides to give the other ones away.

Other stories may include a clambake, a young boy taming/naming a horse named Starbuck on a ranch, the circus coming to town, and a man who peddles pots on a mountain. My memory is fuzzy, so I’m not sure if those will be included in the book — but it’s important that the story of the teapots is there. I believe that this is a book my mother read as a child, so it should be published before or during the early 1960s. The cover (sans dust jacket) is bright green and depicts a valley or meadow. Any help or suggestions you could give would be invaluable.

165B: The Other Treasure Seekers (solved)

This is a book I borrowed from the library at school in approx 1970.  I remember the title as The Treasure Seekers, or something like that, but it is not the classic by E Nesbitt, and also I may be completely wrong about the title!   The story, as I remember it, involved a family of children who lived with their mother in a big old house, they were facing financial ruin, and there was an evil landlord (or similar) who was threatening them with eviction.  The children get wind of a rumour of hidden treasure, and the story follows their attempts to find the treasure in the house and grounds.  I am not sure of any of these details, but the one thing I remember clearly was that the plot came to a climax when they found a missing clue pasted to the walls of the dolls’ house in the nursery.  This is one of the earliest books I can remember reading independently and the sense of being completely gripped by the developing story contributed to my life-long love of reading.  I would love to find out what the book was, and perhaps share it with some of the children in my life now to see if it stood the test of time.