Category Archives: Solved

163C:Collection with Little Red Hen and a Fox (solved)

I’m looking for a collection of children’s short stories that my mom read as a child (either read herself or had them read to her – her memory is fuzzy).  She was born in 1944.  She remembers illustrations in the book and the book having a story about a fox and a little red hen.  Any information or leads you can provide would be awesome!

162A: Lissa was found alone as a baby or toddler after the Great San Francisco earthquake (solved)

I used to read a book when I was a teenager in the 1970s called either Lissa (or perhaps Lisa). I am not sure if that was the actual title, but she was the main character in the book.  Lissa was found alone as a baby or toddler after the Great San Francisco earthquake, her parents were never found.  She is now in her late teens and living alone in San Francisco and working at a large department store. The owner’s son or a relative ends up falling in love with her.  They end up I believe by accident finding her real Grandmother and it turns out that Lissa is from a wealthy and influential family.  I am trying to find the title of this book and the author.  It was probably written in the 1950s or 1960s


161E: youth book 60’s or 70’s (solved)

Thin paperback book about a boy and his friend (a girl) who meet a woman in their community who is very mysterious.  When her hair floats, magic is happening.  Her name may have started with an M.  She helps the boy who we find at the end had some family tragedy that he was blocking out.  The woman helps him fly.  She shows up when he needs her but sometimes he can’t find her.

Cover may have had a picture of the woman with her floating hair.  It was probably published in the 60’s or 70’s and it might have been British.


161A: Snowman delivers flavored snow-cones around the world (solved)

I am trying to locate a book for a friend of mine. He is not sure when it was actually published, but remembers reading it the early 60’s as a child. The snowman could fly, and he delivered flavored snow-cones to kids all over the world. The illustrations were typical for a lot of children’s books from that era – soft watercolor or gouache – and the snowman closely resembled contemporary “Frosty” snowman characters we see today – top hat, cherry/carrot nose, coal eyes, etc. He thinks it could be a Little Golden Book, but he has not found any evidence of that yet.

My friend is a cancer patient and this would make him really happy!


160F: Children get humped backs because they ask a wizard if they can see their sins and have to go on a journey (solved)

A stranger comes to a small town and he has a large hump on his back. The villagers are curious and ask him about it. He tells them the hump is a view of all the sins he has committed throughout his life. Some of the villagers don’t believe him and ask to see their own humps. He grants their request and they end up with humps of various sizes. They then want the humps  removed but the stranger can’t do that and advises them to go on a journey to ……. somewhere I can’t remember which I think is the title of the book. The main characters are two children who have to go on this journey with other hump-backed villagers who gradually drop out along the way.

I vaguely remember reading this book in the 1970’s. It might have had a tree design on the front cover.


157N: Children’s Adventure Book (solved)

I am looking for a hard cover children’s book with 2 children, a brother and sister (name might be ginger) who start out on a plane and end up in a jungle with a monkey named Monkey Monk and a tiger named Tiger Rag. They have lots of adventures and go through a Purple City and many other exciting places with a cliffhanger at the end of every chapter. 3rd-6th grade?