Category Archives: Solved

145C: Horror story Collection (solved)

This was a collection of short horror stories I read in the early 90s. The version I read was hardcover with an illustration of leaves swirling down a hallway. Here’s what else I remember: 

1. A boy who hates raking leaves is attacked by them

2. A depressed girl meets a giant talking rabbit who also plays the fiddle

3. A girl babysits twins with a complicated ritual that they say keeps monsters from eating them. The babysitter is saved from an intruder by these monsters because he didn’t know the ritual and she did. 

4. A boy writes a screenplay about defeating brain-eating alien mosquitoes.  Later it turns out that the studio executive he gave the screenplay to is a brain-eating alien mosquito!

 5. A young boy who’s desperately trying to lose weight keeps fantasizing about his favorite junk cereal. Then there’s a scene where I think a Thanksgiving turkey comes to life? But mainly he just really wants that cereal.

145B: Vegetarian Meals Embarrass Girl (solved)

A girl in middle(?) school finds out that her mother has become vegetarian during the summer and wants her to do the same. The kid is so embarrassed by the new style of lunches her mom makes that she starts eating under the bleachers.   People start eating with her because she tells them that she’s part of a club, and they all eventually have dinner at her house and the girl decides that she’s not embarrassed anymore.   A few days later, her mom (who the girl describes as changing her mind frequently) decides that she wants to start eating meat again. The girl gets upset because she’d just started getting used to things. She and her mom discuss this and decide that from now on the girl can mostly choose her own meals. 

145A: Unicorn History (solved)

This was a book read in the late 80s which presented the unicorn as history instead of myth. The drawings were in brown and white and done to look as though they were very old.   The basis of the book was the unicorn as an angelic creature, and one of the stories described it fighting demons disguised as dragons.   I’ve already checked the books of Bruce Coville and Jane Yolen – nothing. 


144F: Children’s book of short stories about a boy named Charles – British? (Solved)

I am looking for a  book of short stories I was very fond of as a child. Unfortunately, I do not have a title. The book was published before 1974 because I remember reading it before starting kindergarden. It was a slightly large book with burnt orange cloth boards. It was probably British. The book contained several short stories all related, most of them circled around a young boy named Charles. He would visit his Grandmother by the sea or play in the garden. Sometimes he was with other children exploring by the sea picking up sea glass and pebbles. One story was told by the point of view of a small toad and his little house in the garden and living under mushrooms. The most memorable story for me was a sad tale about a set of Russian nesting dolls that a child left standing up on a sea wall and the waves swept them off the wall one by one. The book contained pencil sketches depicting scenes from each chapter. My mother believes she bought the book at the Creative Playthings factory outlet in Princeton, NJ, but that might not be the case.


144D: Apprentice Witch summons frog-like helper (solved)

Checked out of the library in the early 80s.
Hardback, tan cover with a cauldron on the front, green smoke coming out of the caldron and wrapping around the back.
An apprentice witch’s mistress is accused of some crime by other witches and taken away. The apprentice tries to find the real culprit. She is able to summon a frog-like helper who knows what is going on. Froggie at first cannot answer her questions, but hints broadly. She finds the next part of the spell and he is able to answer “yes” or “no”. Then she finds the last part and he can give full answers. (There is a wand or a book involved, I think)? If I’m not getting this confused with a different book, at some point she allies herself with two children from the circus who are trapeze artists.


144A: A Shipwrecked Rabbit Reflects (solved)

This is the second of two books I read in elementary school more than 50 years ago, circa 1960. (I describe the first one in the “A Salmon’s Life Story” stumper.) They connected me with thoughts and feelings way beyond my tender years. I’ve never forgotten either one and would love to read them again.

This book was about a rabbit whom I’m fairly sure was a farmer. Early in the book he ignores a neighbor farmer who happened to be a skunk, because one simply doesn’t talk to skunks. Once shipwrecked, he has time to reflect on his life and realizes he had been wrong to snub his neighbor. The sentence that sticks in my memory is “he wished he had been kinder to the skunk,” or words to that effect. I’ve included a sketch of what I seem to remember the rabbit looked like – very sketchily drawn, very little facial expression.

The rabbit stood upright and wore only pants which I believe were solid black.  (It’s possible I might be remembering a rabbit from an entirely different book, but I’m fairly sure he’s in the one I’m seeking.)

This was more than a half century ago, but I’ve never forgotten either of these two books. If I’ve grown into any kind of thoughtful person, they definitely helped point me in that direction.

Thank you!


142C: Scholastic Short Story Contest Winner – Gargoyles come to life! (solved)

I am looking for a book I bought at school thru the Scholastic Book Club, 1982-1986.
The author was 18 and had written a short story that won a contest. The book I bought was the longer version of that story written after the contest, althou it was only around 120 pages I believe.
The story was about a misfit high school boy who made models of gargoyle-like creatures that were about 3 feet tall and for some reason they came to life. The cover was of the boy in his living room and in the background on the stairs was a set of gargoyle legs coming to get him.
I called Scholastic a few years ago to ask about contest winners as I thought it would be the
easiest way to find a name but they referred me to their Canadian office and they never got back to me.