Looking for a children’s book about a forgetful lion who sets off by boat to visit a friend but forgets his house key. The key can be seen on each page. Great illustrations. Our kids enjoyed it in the early 90s or late 80s.
355X: Woman Goes on Grand Tour of Her Shoe Stores (Solved!)
The book I am looking for followed a young teenager/woman who gets a temporary job driving an older woman on a road trip around Ohio and/or Illinois. The older woman owns some shoe stores and she wants to stop by them before retiring, I believe. I recall the cover being black with rainbow cursive writing.
355W: Contraptions Carry Boy Through Daily Routine
The book I’m looking for was a children’s book where a boy wakes up in the morning and a series of Rube-Goldberg-like machines get him out of bed, brushes his teeth, makes toast and breakfast, and carries him through many daily tasks until he’s ultimately deposited at the bottom of long staircase that he then climbs for the rest of the day to get back to his bed.
355V: 1970s Judy Blumesque YA Novel
I’m sure I got this book from Weekly Reader in the early 80s but was probably published in the 70s. Opens with protagonist making a homemade costume for school with spray painted gold boots and a sword. I think I remember parents getting a divorce. I remember main character going into his parents’ bedroom looking for help with costume and mom getting dressed and getting a run in her pantyhose and saying, “Damn!” which I perceived as scandalous as may mother would never use such language - ha! Protagonist has an older high school age brother who is enamored with girlfriend and their song is “Stairway to Heaven”.
355U: Metiek Survives Holocaust (Solved!)
I don’t even remember how old I was when I read it. I’m thinking in the late 60’s or early 70’s. It was a paperback. A young boy nicknamed Metiek (I think) gets separated from his family during the Holocaust. I think, not completely sure, it was Warsaw Poland. He gets captured and thrown on a train to one of the concentration camps. He escapes the train and ends up back in Warsaw (?) on the streets and becomes very street wise. Later he is able to make it to New York City where some relatives are located, and ends up working in the garment district. He becomes successful, marries, she is an actress. They build a nice home, she goes on a vegetarian diet in order to get pregnant, is successful and they have several kids. They (wife and kids) die in a house fire. Metiek (don’t remember his real name) is alone. True Story, his biography. It had pictures in it.
355T: The Grand Adventures of a Frog Hopping Around the Neighborhood
355S: Children’s Book, 60s, Green cover?
On the cover of the mom’s book – there was also a picture of a mom reading from a book.
I can’t recall if the children were on the couch with her or were on the floor in front of her as she read.
355R: Sloth Smuggled Into Apartment Given Bath (Solved!)
355Q: French Bulldog, Mr. Kunyatta (Solved!)
This is a young adult (teen fiction) book that my wife is trying to find. It had a little girl and an old woman on the cover. The old woman had a French bull dog called Mr. Kunyatta (I am not sure of the spelling of that name).
The genre of the book was possibly a mystery.
355P: The Monster Kid
I’m trying to find a children’s book for middle school/YA age about a boy who collects monster memorabilia and is able to somehow bring them to life.
Mummies, Frankenstein type monsters, a blob etc. He thinks it is cool at first but of course it becomes a cause for concern. It deals a lot with him being an outcast for being a “Monster Kid”.
He eventually realizes the monsters can’t live in his bedroom and he has to get rid of them.
I cannot seem to get the right keywords despite remembering specifics about the plot.