RIP Quincy

QunicyQuincy took up residence in our garage/compost last winter, and was eventually adopted by the neighbors. They called him Eddie, Mr. Bubbles or Little Tiger, but we called him Quincy. He became quite friendly, and he always had a word to share when he saw me in the morning. Yesterday he tried to follow me to work, jumping ahead of me, lying down on the sidewalk in front of me, tagging my jeans. Today we went with our neighbor to collect his body from the street one block over.

I am sad. This fine cat was probably Otis’ cousin, after all. And he was a damn fine mouser, too.

About Harriett

Harriett started Loganberry Books in 1994, acknowledging that what she liked best about perpetual school was the physical objects called books. Her personal biblio interests range from Robert Lawson to Virginia Woolf and various and asundry illustrated editions of Alice in Wonderland and old lepidoptera.
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