102V: Floating Space Ball

Boy befriends fuzzy/furry floating ball from space. Not much to go on but there you have it.

4 thoughts on “102V: Floating Space Ball

  1. Panda Rosa

    Was the ball in your story alive? If not, it’s a long shot, but could it be Carl Biemiller’s “The Magic Ball From Mars”? A friendly alien gives a boy a special ball that can glow, float in air, come back to him when he throws it, etc. The boy enjoys playing with the unusual ball until spies try to steal it; in the end the alien decides it’s wiser to take his toy back. The ball is able to move by responding to the boy’s thoughts. Hope this helps.

  2. Gudrun

    This sounds like The Moonball by Ursula Moray Williams: “A golden, furry, life-like moonball, washed up after a summer thunderstorm, becomes the endeared companion of a group of children who recognize its powers.”

  3. Tiye

    Maybe Robert Heinlein’s “The Rolling Stones” where boys on a spaceship adopt some Martian Flat Cats, friendly purring creatures much like Tribbles from Star Trek.


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