Children’s book, probably writer in the 40’s or 50’s about two women who were friends when they were younger. They had started a book; one girl would write a chapter and then pass it to the other who would do the same. They had a teacher who they didn’t like. The teacher had hair that was rolled in a bun that looked like sausages. They also painted illustrations for the book on the wax paper the Shredded Wheat biscuit came in.
Could be Two Are Better than One by Carol Ryrie Brink: A Christmas package with two miniature dolls reminds an old lady of the year she and her best friend were thirteen and writing a “romantical” novel.
It’s by Carol Ryrie Brink, author of Caddie Woodlawn and Baby Island. I know “Two” is in the title, but I can’t remember the complete title!
Are you still looking?
I remember one about two girls writing a book and taking turns with chapters. One of the chapters had the word coconut in it, only the girl spelt it wrongly ( something like cococonut). They only realised the ridiculousness of the spelling mistake when somebody’s brother? found the book and teased them about it. I read it in Australia in probably the 70s or possibly early 80s. I suspect the book is much older because coconuts were extremely exotic in the book.
Unfortunately, I don’t recall the name or author. Not by Carol Brink. I don’t recall the teacher particularly either.
All the best with your search.