Looking for a collection of children’s jokes from the 80’s or earlier that featured the joke and an illustration on each page, including these 3 that I recall (not verbatim):
1. What do you get when you put ducks in a box? A box of quackers.
2. Whats the longest word? “Smiles” because there’s a mile in between each “S”.
3. What happens to a rock if you throw it in the Red Sea? It will get wet.
My sister and I loved this as kids! Thank you for your help!
Possibly “More Jokes and Riddles” compiled by Jonathan Peter and illustrated by Albert Aquino. Published by Wonder Books / Grosset and Dunlap in 1963. If this is it, you’ll probably recognize the cover when you google it.
Very likely Bennett Cerf’s Book of Riddles, 1960. There were more by him. Google for images.
Another one to try is Riddle Me, Riddle Me, Ree by Mariah Leach.
I wonder if this might be ‘Cricket’s Jokes, Riddles, and Other Stuff’ (1977), edited by Marcia Leonard and the other editors of Cricket.